Careful Consideration

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The Family Plan Chapter Twenty-Two: Careful Consideration

Alec Pov

"We can talk about it if you need to," Magnus said for the tenth time in the last hour. I ignored him, pulling a sheet tray of cookies out of the oven and dumping them in with the other fifteen batches I made, not even bothering to let them cool off first.

"They're going to crumble or melt together in a bowl of mush," he warned me, but I couldn't bring myself to care. I walked over to the dough and got to work rolling more balls to make more cookies.

"Listen Alexander, I know you like to bake your stress away, but I don't think it will work this time. We might actually have to talk this one out. I'm stressed about this too, you know."

I sighed, setting the ball of dough down before running my hands down my face. This resulted in cookie dough smearing all over my face, but I once again couldn't give a damn. Magnus sighed slightly before grabbing a dish rag and starting to clean off my face.

"Tell me what you're thinking."

"I'm thinking that I want to commit murder," I answered honestly. He nodded, taking the rag away from my face.

"Good, that's a start. What else?"

"I feel like a shitty dad because I haven't looked my kids in the eye since Saturday. Max tried to get my attention, but I couldn't bear to face him without crying. What are we going to do if they choose to go back with their mom, Magnus? How am I supposed to go back to how we were? I can't."

"The process wouldn't happen overnight, Alec," Magnus answered, frowning. "They wouldn't just throw the kids back in with their mother. She would have to prove that she can provide them with a safe place to live and stability. It would most likely start with visitations and slowly transition from there."

"I don't know what's worse," I hissed. "Losing my children all at once or watching them slowly being taken away from me. This isn't fair to us, Magnus. Rafael and Max are our children now. We've become a real family and I don't want that to end."

He nodded and walked around the counter to stand behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. He ran his hands up and down my arms to sooth me, but it didn't help much. Maybe a little bit, but not a lot.

"We can't think about ourselves right now darling. You taught me that being a parent means thinking of the kids first. Rafael is confused right now, and he needs to be assured that we will be okay with whatever he chooses. That we will support him and help him make that transition if need be. No matter what happens, we aren't going to stop loving these boys, so we need to support them in as many ways as we can."

"What if by supporting them, they get the impression that we don't want them?"

He shook his head no. "We have proven many times that that couldn't be further from the truth. We can't try to influence Rafael in his decision. That would make us no better than her."

The anger filled me again at the mention of her trying to emotionally manipulate Rafael. Magnus and I said we were going to go outside, but I couldn't bring myself to go too far away. I had to make sure she wouldn't hurt my boy while no one was in the room with them, so we sat on the staircase and eavesdropped.

She might as well have slapped him. That bitch completely left out the fact that the reason she left them was because her boyfriend told her to. She put on the whole 'Mamá was sick and wanted to be better for you' bullshit and put false hope into Rafael. Then she had the nerve to start crying and guilt tripping Rafael into apologizing to her, when she was the only person who needed to apologize.

The Family Plan- A Malec AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now