Moving Forward

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The Family Plan Chapter Sixteen: Moving Forward

Magnus Pov

"I can't believe how great that went! I was expecting the bones of the building to be so much worse than what it was," I gushed, over cloud nine.

Tessa and I managed to get an inspector to look over the apartment and besides some termite damage, it's ready to be under construction. Now all that was left to do was get a construction crew who will be willing to work on the place.

We're going to do most of the work ourselves, but even I'm not dumb enough to try to operate heavy machinery.

Tessa smiled at me as I pulled up to her house to drop her off. "Things seem to be looking up. Aren't you happy I bought the place?"

I raised an eyebrow at that. "We aren't out of the danger zone yet. Even if we manage to renovate the place, there is no guarantee anyone will buy it or move in. This all could be for nothing."

She pouted and punched me in the arm, making me cry out and rubbed where she punched. She was stronger than she appeared. A bruise was sure to form there.

"No negative thinking Bane! We are only going to be able to do this if we have a positive attitude." She lost her glare, now wearing a concerned expression.

"Speaking of which, you are running out of time to clean out that room. If you don't do it soon, the crew is just going to throw all that stuff out. You may not mind now, but I know someday you will regret not keeping your mom's stuff."

"The only 'stuff' in there are the crafts she made me or the ones I made her."

"Those things are important to you, Magnus. It's memories."

"Some memories are better left forgotten," I sighed, leaning forward on the steering wheel.

She reached out and started rubbing my back. "Not those ones."

I glanced at her before looking ahead again. "I will go tomorrow and empty it out."

"Do you need me to go with you?"

I shook my head no, sending her an assuring smile. "I'll ask Alexander to go with me... that is if he can get some time off of work. Those Dearborn's have been riding him ragged. Part of me wonders if him having that restaurant is even worth it."

"That's not really fair to Alec to think like that," Tessa scolded.

"Perhaps, but I know he isn't happy being under someone else's thumb. Alec has his own ideas and it sucks that he always has to run them by someone else before being able to do them."

She nodded slowly, seeming to agree. "Well maybe that is something you should talk to Alec about."

"I have talked to him about it. He doesn't think he is good enough to run a place completely on his own. I keep telling him that he's made a name for himself in Brooklyn and there is no way he wouldn't be able to start a true stand alone business, but he won't hear any of it. I swear sometimes it's like talking to a wall."

"A very handsome wall," Tessa teased.

"A very sexy wall," I agreed.

I glanced at the time, seeing it was almost six o clock. "I should head home if I don't want to be late for dinner. This will be the first meal I get to have with Alexander all week."

Tessa nodded and stepped out of the car. "I'll look into some construction crews tomorrow. You focus on getting that room cleared out."

"Yes mom," I groaned, making her smirk at me.

The Family Plan- A Malec AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now