Making a Choice

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The Family Plan Chapter Twenty-One: Making a Choice.

Alec Pov

I paced back and forth in my parents living room, biting my nails in frustration. It was taking all my self control not to scream at the people sitting on the couch, silently watching me and letting me collect myself. Julian was sitting there, looking everywhere but at me, knowing that if we made eye contact I would lose my cool and chew him out.

How could he bring her here today of all days? How could he bring her here at all? Did he not even consider how that would make the boys feel?

The woman in question was sitting in the love seat, looking down at her clenched hands in her lap. She hasn't spoken a word yet since arriving, and she better pray to god she never does. I just know her voice will be what causes me to lose it.

"All the guests are gone," Magnus said, walking into the living room. "Your parents are with Max and Rafael for the moment."

"How are they feeling," the woman on the loveseat asked and that was all it took for my calm to snap.

"It's none of your damn business how they are feeling," I hissed. "You lost that right."

"Alec, I know you are mad-" Julian started but my glare sicked on him and he immediately closed his mouth.

"Oh no, mad isn't even close to describing how I feel, Julian. My sons are finally healing from everything this woman has done to them, and you had the nerve to just show up with her? Did you even think about how that would make them feel? That is too much to put on their shoulders, they needed some warning."

"I promised Rafael that if his mother ever came to get them, I would bring her to him. Adella showed up at the agency this morning and wanted to see Max for his birthday. She is his mother, Alec, we can't deny her her rights."

"Her rights?! She left them in the park!" I turned back to her, feeling fire building up in my chest. The amount of rage inside me was something I've never felt before. "You left those boys alone, in the park! Do you know how long they waited there for you to come find them?! Three fucking days! It took three days for someone to find them! Max can't even step foot in a park without screaming, and Rafael-"

I clenched my fists, trying to reign in my temper. "Don't even get me started on all the damage you did to Rafael."

Adella finally looked up at me, tears in her eyes. The bitch had no right to cry. "I... I didn't have a choice."

"Don't give us that crap," Magnus snapped, surprising me. He wasn't usually one to lose his temper, but it's understandable that he is. He loves those boys just as much as I do. "You could have taken them anywhere else. To the police station, a fire station, the orphanage. You had other options but you chose the worst way possible. You chose."

"You don't know what it's like!" She snapped, standing on her feet. "To look into the eyes of your children and know you're failing them! To know that you can't even take care of yourself, let alone others and to have the one person who could take care of you, suddenly leave!"

"You replaced that person with your own child!" Magnus shot back. "You made it your son's responsibility to take care of you! Your, at the time, seven year old son! He was a child! Hell, he's still a child! One who doesn't know how to be anyone other than the person who takes care of you! Does that sound fair to him?!"

The room went silent again and I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest. "Why did you leave them in the park? Was it because you couldn't take care of them anymore?"

She looked away, and I could just tell by the look on her face that I wasn't going to like her answer. In all honesty though, I don't think I would accept any answer she gives.

The Family Plan- A Malec AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now