School Daze

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The Family Plan Chapter seven- School Daze

Magnus Pov

"What's your favorite color Magnus?"

I was lying stretched out on the floor of a small apartment bedroom, my eight year old body short and barely reaching the wall close to my feet. The question had caught me off guard, and I turned to look at the person who asked it.

Her bright blue eyes looked back in mine as she waited for my answer.

"What do you mean," I asked her.

She smiled slightly. "What do you mean 'what do I mean'? I am asking what your favorite color is silly. Mine is light blue, the same color as the sky."

This intrigued me. "What's the sky?"

Her smile dropped slightly from my question, but she didn't take her eyes off of me.

"The sky's up high in the air, and there are little white cotton balls called clouds in it. The sky stretches on for miles and miles, never ending. Eventually it becomes as dark as space."

"The sky is blue?"

She nodded smiling. "Hence why it's my favorite color. What about you? What's yours?"

I frowned slightly, looking up at the ceiling to think it over.

"White," I answered.

She frowned at that. "Why white?"

"It's the color I know best."

She watched me a moment longer before letting her eyes wander around the room. She glanced at the plain white walls with not a single window to bring in any light, before looking up at the white ceiling.

She stayed silent, and when I turned to look at her again, tears were filling up her beautiful blue eyes.

"I'm sorry, Magnus," she whispered softly.

I watched her silently as well before reaching out and touching the soft brown skin of her cheek. She turned to look at me and I searched her eyes.

"I like the blue of your eyes," I whispered softly before reaching down and running my fingers through her long black hair. "I also like the color of your hair. It's really dark, even darker than mine."

My eyes met hers again, more tears slipping past hers.

"I think blue and black are my favorite."

She laughed slightly, wrapping her arms around me and held me close. I held onto her tight, feeling her body shake as she silently sobbed in my embrace.

  My eyes slowly opened, the white walls and ceiling being gone. Instead they were dark blue with warm gray art pieces and picture frames decorating them. I turned to my right, seeing someone else with black hair and blue eyes sleeping soundly next to me.

Frowning slightly, I cuddled closer to him, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him against my chest. Having dreams like that always made me feel uneasy. Holding onto Alexander is the only thing that ever makes me feel better.

"Hey, are you okay," Alec asked sleepily. I nodded, rubbing his head gently.

"Just had a bad dream," I whispered softly.

He nodded, cuddling closer to me and burying his head in my chest. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head no before pressing my lips to the top of his head. "I just want to lay here with you."

The Family Plan- A Malec AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now