Kitchen Nightmares

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The Family Plan Chapter Twelve: Kitchen Nightmares

Alec Pov

"And don't even get me started on the Calories. Did you know that a single burger has five hundred calories in it? Not to mention the one thousand milligrams of sodium. Thanks to you, our son is going to have a heart attack at the age of twenty-Five. You literally sent our oldest child to an early grave. Let's hope you are still alive to see it."

Magnus groaned, laying his head back against the couch. "Alexander, it's three in the morning. You have been lecturing me for seven hours."

I scoffed, putting my hands on my hips. "I could yell at you for seven more... but you managed to get some headway with Rafael, so for that I will give you some slack and end this conversation."

Magnus sighed in relief, standing up. "Great because I am exhausted and want to go to bed. I'm going to have nightmares of mutant burgers chasing me in my sleep all thanks to you."

I smiled at that, following him to our bedroom. "Good. Maybe you will think before you act next time. Just please tell me that you didn't take Rafael to that diner downtown where the burger grease literally soaks through the bun."

He laughed walking over to the closet to get his fuzzy pajama pants out. "Why would I ever take him there? You banned me from that place when we got married. It was in your wedding vows and everything."

I sat on the bed crossing my arms. The tone of his voice wasn't promising, but I chose to let it go as I pulled off my shirt. "Are you going to tell me what happened between you and Rafael? You both seemed a bit more... comfortable with each other when you came back."

Magnus shook his head, changing into the pants before taking off his shirt and getting in bed. "I can't tell you about it Alec."

"Why not," I whined, pouting. He laughed at me before leaning in and kissing my pouty lips.

"Because I promised Rafael that whatever was said during our time together would stay between us. That includes not telling you love."

"But I want to know," I whined.

"If you want to know then spend some time with Rafael yourself. He told me one thing today that I'm sure you would be over the moon about."

I leaned forward, my eyes wide in wonder. "What is it?"

"Can't tell you."

"Tell me or you will be sleeping outside for a week."

"Why outside?"

"Because our couch is too comfortable."

He shook his head and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close.

"You need to respect our son's wishes."

I frowned, laying my head on Magnus's shoulder and looking up at him. "Don't use our son against me when I'm trying to get info."

He kissed me on the forehead before cuddling closer to me, closing his eyes. "Something tells me we won't need to worry about Rafael as much as before. Sure, we will still have problems. Maybe we will always have those, but I think he will be okay. You don't have to stress yourself out worrying about him twenty four seven. For now focus on your bakery."

He was right. The bakery was getting busier every day. It was starting to get hard to manage by myself. Especially with having to leave early to pick up the kids after school. Normally Magnus would be able to help me on days I can't handle it, but he is busy with his clients. Not to mention the project he and Tessa are starting on that horrible apartment building.

The Family Plan- A Malec AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now