Family Matters

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A/N: Longer chapter than usual. Hope you enjoy. 

The Family Plan Chapter Eight- Family Matters

Alec Pov

"We won't be able to hold off this talk for much longer," Magnus stressed, sitting on our bed as I paced our bedroom floor.

It was now Saturday morning and we couldn't bring ourselves to talk to Rafael about the special ed classes last night. We had every intention to. We agreed to do it before dinner, but figured we wanted him to eat, so we would save it for after dinner. That changed to before bed, and before we knew it Rafael went to sleep blissfully unaware that we know about his disability.

"I know, but maybe we should wait until tomorrow. The kids are finally meeting the family today. That is stressful enough on its own," I argued.

Magnus didn't look convinced. "He will need time to process it all. If we tell him on Sunday, then he will have to go into that class on Monday feeling like it was sprung on him. That could be even worse for him."

I sighed, sitting next to him on the bed and putting my face in my hands. "I just don't know what to do. No matter what we say, he isn't going to take it well."

"That would be the case whether he was a foster kid or not. A kid his age not being able to read is a tough pill to swallow."

I ran my hands down my face before sitting up sighing. "If only we had a way of understanding how he feels. I can't even imagine it. Can you?"

Magnus frowned, seeming to be thinking about something before looking at our bedroom door.

"There's no way we ever could."

"Is there something bothering you," I asked, running my hand up and down his back. "You have been acting strangely since the kids got here."

That thought caused me to frown. "You aren't regretting taking them in, are you?"

"Of course not," he answered softly.

"Then what is it? I feel like you have been keeping me at arms length this week. We never keep things from each other Magnus, and I don't want to start now."

"I'm not keeping anything from you. I'm fine, really."

It was hard for me to believe him. Normally I would without a sliver of a doubt, but with the way he has been acting since the kids came... it's just making me overthink things. What if Magnus isn't happy having the kids? He didn't want them in the first place.

No. I wasn't the one who suggested adopting Max. Sure, I was going to bring it up, but Magnus was the one who said we needed to have him with us. Was it Rafael? They don't seem to be at each other's throats every five seconds anymore, but they still get along as well as oil and water.

What could make them become closer?

"We should get going," Magnus suggested, standing on his feet. "Your parents are expecting us around noon."

"The boys are being unnaturally quiet," I thought out loud, listening for the sound of horseplay. Rafael was a quiet kid most of the time, but he is an older brother. He is not immune to being annoyed by his little brother every once in a while.

We left the bedroom and went to the living room where both boys were sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table. They had paper and crayons scattered around, drawing pictures. I smiled, moving over to where Rafael was sitting and got on my knees to look at his drawing.

"What are you making?"

"I'm trying to draw the sky at night, but these colors aren't working with me," he sighed, seeming frustrated with his art tools.

The Family Plan- A Malec AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now