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Six months later.

I'm still living with Siobhan.

I'm visiting my sessions with Lisa with passion.

I never would have thought to feel normal.

I still didn't tell Lisa about Kieran. And I won't. 

Not until he returns.

I want him to return.

Siobhan is worrying and she doesn't show it but sometimes she has this expression of sadness. Deep sadness.

She is a mother.

Lisa told me that mothers instinctively feel wrongness done to their child.

Lisa is amazing.

We talked about everything that happened to me and I've started to write a diary.

Siobhan and I have plans to visit Ireland.

For me to see the country where I'm from.


I often think of Galway.

Googleing Galway in Lisa's office.

It's a port city in western Ireland. It's the fourth most populated city in Ireland.

I still think about Kieran.

What is he doing?

Is he alive?

Did he die like Dunne promised?

I also googled Dunne.

He was convicted for drug trafficking.

His full name is Patrick Dunne.

He was born in Wexford, Ireland.

I also think about Luca.

Lisa said that even though they're at fault for keeping me in the warehouse, that they risked their lives to save me is a courages thing to do.

I think she is trying to say that they are not cold-hearted mob members. Especially Kieran.

But I'm not ready to forgive Luca.

I stand up from my desk. 

Searching for Siobhan downstairs. She isn't home.

I start watching a television show about a young man dating 24 women to find his true love.

It's really entertaining.

Two hours later I get hungry and make myself a sandwich. 

Siobhan never leaves me alone for more then three hours but today she seems to be busy. 

The doorbell rings after another hour of being alone.

I make my way to door.

I open it.

It's a bloody Kieran.




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