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He closes the door.

For a moment he just looks into the room.

As if searching for me.

Fearing my loss.

He spots me in the far right corner.

My blanket lays a few inches from me.

I won't use it anymore.


He begins.

I just nod.

He seems to taken back from my response.

Normally I act differently around him.

But I just can't bring myself to act.

"I've talked to Luca. He agrees. This is going down. You're getting out."

"What about your bosses? The ones constantly stalking you?"

I ask.

This the difficult part of me getting out.

"We already proved our loyalty. And they won't be interested. They only care about business. Their own outcome."

I digest this.

He makes it sound so easy.

So easy there must be some kind of complication.

"When can I go out?"

"As soon as possible. I'll come with Luca. And I'll take care of you for a few days."

I don't want to see him after this.

He makes me weak.

Weakens my resolve.

"We will be armed. Just in case."


If I can obtain one I can have my revenge.


I just nod.

"Alright. I'll leave now."

Just as he is opening the door he turns around.

"I have a question. Before I told you everything you said you had a few things that you wanted to tell me. Are you gonna tell me?"

"No. It wasn't important. I'll see you."

He shrugs and locks the door behind him.

How naive I am.

I wanted to tell him so much.

So much stupidity.

It doesn't matter anymore.

Nothing matters.

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