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I reach the city. 

After running such a long time I need to rest.

Funny how for 2 years I couldn't move.



I'm just running since coming out of the hell hole.

I see a bench and sit on it.

I take out the purse out of Kieran's jacket.

There is a small object.

There is a photo on it.

It states:

Cassidy Marie O'Brien.

Dublin, Republic of Ireland.


My name is Cassidy.

Cassidy O'Brien.

I was born in Ireland. 

And live in the US.

It's cold outside.

I put my hands in the jacket pockets.

In the right pocket I find a sheet paper.

With a address on it.

It's written in a neat, masculine hand writing.

"Cassidy, this is the address of my mother. Go there after fleeing. I'll find you there- Kieran."

My heart starts beating loudly.

He wants me safe.

Safe and sound.

After sitting for a while.

I start walking again.

I need to find his mother.

Its just for a short time.

I need somebody.

I think of Kieran.

What is he doing?

Is Dunne torturing them as he promised?

I don't want Kieran tortured.

But kind of...

I'm extremely confused.

I walk to group of girls.

They seem to talk intensively about something.

"Excuse me," I start and they turn around.

"Can you please tell me how to get to this address?"

I smile.


A girl with long blonde hair says. She seems nice.

"I'd suggest taking a cab. This is pretty far away from here."

"Thank you" I say gratefully.

"You're welcome."

She turns to her friends and starts talking again.

I'm jealous. 

I want friends too.

I take a cab.

I hand the driver the address.

The drive lasts 20 minutes.

The whole ride I stared at the clock in the wrist of the driver.

"That makes 50 dollars."

I open my purse with the ID.

There is 150 dollars in there.

"Here, have a nice night Sir."

He smiles and nodds.

I walk up to the house and knock.

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