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I open my eyes.

For a moment my vision is blurry.

But then the world becomes clear again.

I smile at him.

He smiles back.

The dimples appearing.

And my cheeks getting warm again. "You want to sit next to me?" I pat the ground next to me.

He noods and sits next to me.

For a few moment we don't talk.

Just the inhale and exhale of our breaths.

It's a comfortable silence.

Not the notorious kind I'm familiar with.

Which is utter silence.

"How old are you, Kieran?"

"22" his eyes focus on mine.

Their great and beautiful green colour enchanting me.

He doesn't ask my age.

But I couldn't tell him.

I don't know how old I am.

I don't know what I look like.

"Kieran, do you have a mirror?" I ask.

"No. Why?" he asks back.

"I was wondering what I look like" I smile at him.

I wonder if I'm pretty.

What kind of colour my eyes have.

"I could bring you one tomorrow"


I feel myself getting excited.

I will finally have a piece of me back.

"Promise" he smiles.

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