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It feels like a eternity until the door is opened. 

A short dark haired woman is standing on the other side.

"I'm Cassidy. Kieran sent me."

It feels so good to be able to say my name.

"Welcome Cassidy, come in please. Kieran called already to inform me of your arrival."

I go inside and she closes the door. 

"I'm Siobhan."

I shake her hand.

"Come on let's sit on the couch."

We go into the spacious living room.

There is a bright cream colored couch standing in the middle of the room.

Across from it is a flat tv plastered on the wall.

I sit down on the couch.

It's so comfortable.

There is a moment of silence.

"Did Kieran call again after that?"

I ask.


I start worrying.

Really worrying.

I shouldn't be worried.

But I am.

"Do you know that Kieran is involved with the Irish mob?"


Siobhan sighs.

"That boy thinks he has to follow his da's footsteps."

I notice that Kieran has his brilliant green eyes from her.

They shine like emeralds.

"My husband James died before Kieran turned 7. He always saw his father as a hero. And after James's death he wanted to join the mob too."

Siobhan looked sad.

She grabbed a framed photograph next to the couch.

"Here my Kieran and my James."

Kieran looked like his father.

Their facial structure was identical.

With one exception.

James's hair was blonde.

"Before Kieran was born we lived in Limerick. In Ireland. But James wanted to live in America. Shortly after we moved he joined the mob."

Siobhan takes the picture from my hands and smiles sadly.

I guess it made sense.

She had a lingering accent.

"I was born in Ireland too."

I take out the card from my jacket and give it to her.

Siobhan glances at the plastic card.

"How come you live in the States?"

Now that is a question I can't answer.

"I don't know."

I admit. 

She considers this for a moment but seems not to act upon it. 

"You must be hungry. How about I go prepare dinner and you go wash yourself? Your room is upstairs. Second door from the right. The bathroom is adjoined."

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