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Three months later.

It's March.

I stayed one month in Ireland with Siobhan.

She introduced me to her family in Limerick.

Limerick isn't far away from Galway.

So we visited Galway too wishing that the visit would trigger my memories.

It didn't.

But I fell in love with the city.

We asked around and found out that I was indeed raised in Galway.

Visited the house of my grandma which was sold to other people.

They were nice enough to tell us that my grandmother only had one child.

And my grandfather died before my mom turned 12.

I really had no family left.

Except Kieran and Siobhan.

I haven't seen Kieran in one month.

He decided to go to college and get a degree starting this summer.

He says he wants to support us.

He attends a community college in Boston.

That's why he couldn't come to Ireland with us.

I want to go to college too so, Siobhan and I checked if I finished my education in Ireland, which I did.

The school was nice enough to copy my diploma although they were looking strangely at us.

The things I experienced.

And will experience.

Made me a stronger person.

It was hard to pull myself back together.

But I managed.

That Kieran is one of the people who were responsible makes things a little bit difficult.

And sometimes I have to pull back.

Have to be alone.

But he understands.

And I'm thankful for that.

Guess Stockholm syndrome leads not just to empathy or sympathy but to love.

As foolish as that sounds.

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