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"Listen. The things I'm gonna tell you are hard to digest. It took me really a long time to realize the wrongness of what I am doing."

Kieran says as he closes the metal door.


He always leaves it open.

But no.

During the last few times he visited he would just let a split open.

"By the way, sorry for leaving you alone for the last few days"

He continues further.

"No problem, Kieran. You're here now."

I say.

He smiles back.

Those cute dimples appearing.

"Look, before starting maybe I should clear a few things up. This is Boston. Boston, Massachusetts. The United States of America. I work for the Irish mob here. Called The Winter Hill Gang. Not just only Irish people work for us, but also Italian Americans. We have a lot enemies. But that's routine for us. I've been in the mob since I was 18. And what I'm gonna tell you know is probably a bit too much, but I have to.

Look with 20 you have to prove your loyalty. Some sort of crime you commit. And.."

Kieran stops for a second.

I wait patiently for him to continue.

He takes a deep breath.

"Well that's were you come into the cotation. My friend Luca and me needed to prove our loyalty as well. The Mob is involved in drug trafficking, prostitution and many other fields. But Luca and me wanted to do something different.

The Winter Hill Gang has a rival called the Patriarca family. An Italian mafia organization. Luca and I thought if we could harm the Patriarca family, the Mob would be satisfied with us. And we would have proven our loyalty. What we didn't expect was you coming to the warehouse. That was 2 years ago.

You've been here for 2 years. Though we didn't capture the Patriarca families daughter, our boss saw you as enough. In the beginning we drugged you. And to be honest I enjoyed the thrill of being stronger. Being able to torture you. Luca started feeling guilty and handed all the responsibility to me. Since then I'm taking care of you. Though I didn't capture you. That was Luca. Luca and Sean. Since you didn't talk I didn't realize my guilt. I just continued to give you food and water. Other necessities, like you washing yourself were already taken care of. But I never,"

"You never what?"

He had to continue.

For so long I blamed a wide range of people.

But it came down to 2.

"I'll help you, okay? You deserve freedom. And I'm ready to face all the consequences."

Kieran looks at me.

I'm shocked.

He is the reason.

My gut feeling was right.

He isn't trustworthy.

I have to finish him.

Or that Luca.

"So you are the only one taking 'care' of me?"

I ask.

"Well, I have superiors. They locate and stalk me constantly. That's why I can't stay long. Hey, I know you're furious right now. And I won't justify my crimes. I need you to trust me. I'm gonna get you out of here. Promise."

"Can you go? This too much."

I feel my mental state lessen.

I feel weak.

Sick to my stomach.

I want to vomit blood.

Kieran nodds.

And leaves.

I walked into the make shift bathroom/toilet.

I need water.

Need to wash my face.

The water tastes disgusting.

But I'm desperate.

I have to clear my mind.

My world is turned upside down.

Several words fly across my brain.

The Winter Hill Gang.

Patriarca family.

Irish mob.

Italian mafia.


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