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The door opens.

He and some other man are coming in.

Behind them someone is standing outside the door.

"I guess you're Luca?"

I ask.

The men stop.

"That's me"

He smiles.

How dare he?

Luca is so tan.

Kieran is pale in comparison.

He definitely has Italian roots.

His short hair is black.

And his eyes are equally dark.

He is just a few inches shorter than Kieran.

"I won't apologize. But I'm regretting it so much. I just want you to know that, cara"

Nothing matters.

They don't matter.

What matters is me getting out.

I have to trust them for a short time.

"Stand up. Sean all clear?"

Kieran says.

I stand up.

My legs shaky.

My hair falls into my eyes.

I feel nervous.

"All clear, O'Connor"

I guess that's Kieran's surname.

"Alright. Let's go."

He takes my hand in his.

His hand is so much bigger than mine.

Its warmth enveloping me.

The feel of his skin on mine feels beautiful.

Cut it out.

You can't feel.

Not for him.

Not for anybody.

Outside Sean is waiting.

His hair is red and his eyes seem to be a ice cold blue.

Freckles spattered across his nose.

He is dressed in a similar style to Kieran and Luca.

A black dress shirt and black pants.

He is armed.

In his left hand I can see a gun.

We leave the storage room.

I look back once.

Just to have a reminder of a past I put behind me today.

Kieran's grip on me strengthens.

I try to walk fast.

We walk across the big warehouse.

It's empty.

In the far back I can see door.

That's our destination.

"O'Connor, Angelini all clear"

Sean says who is walking in front of us.

We reach the door.

I take a step outside.

We are greeted by armed men.

Holding their guns at us.

I knew it.

Hell is about to begin.

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