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I wake up.

I search for Siobhan.

But she isn't home.

I told Kieran the truth three days ago.

Since then I've been avoiding him.

I can't face him.

"Good morning."

His deep voice says.

"Good morning."

I say.

"You've been avoiding me."

"Who me? No. I wouldn't dare."

"Cassidy. Turn around."

I do so.

"I have to tell you something. I liked you since the moment you've spoken to me. I fell in love the moment you awarded me with your brilliant smile."


"I fell completely in love with you when you asked me if you are ugly. I wanted to laugh. You're the most beautiful girl I ever encountered."


"Kieran what are you saying?"

"That I feel the same."

He closes the distance between us.

And then his lips are on mine.

Their warmth engulfing me.

His kiss is soft.

So soft.

As if he is scared of breaking me.

I put my arms around his neck.

And kiss him back.

Everything feels right.

So right.

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