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Kieran stares at me.

His green eyes looking hollow.

I grab him and try to move him inside but he is to heavy.

"Kieran can you try to walk?"

I ask.

He let's out a whimper and cooperates.

Together we manage to get inside and move him to the couch.

I've to apologize to Siobhan for destroying her perfect couch.

Kieran let's another whimper out.

He is in pain.

"What happened?"

He closes his eyes.

I tend his wounds.

He was beat.

Beat really hard.

I search for painkillers in the kitchen and bathroom finding some.

I give them to Kieran along with a glass of water.

After taking the painkillers he drifts into a deep sleep.

Siobhan returns exactly 1 hour and 36 minutes after Kieran's arrival.

She opens the front door and sees bloody Kieran sleeping on the couch.

She let's out a whimper that sounds like crying.

She gathers him carefully in her arms and hugs him.

Pain and relief are written in her features.

I leave them then.

Letting them have their moment without disturbing.

I enter my room with a lot of confusion.

Now that he is back do I have to go?

What happened to Kieran?

I follow Lisa's advice and start writing my worries in my diary.

After a while I get sleepy and move to bed.

Pulling the covers over my head I try to find comfort.


It's morning.

I've been awake for 40 minutes.

After having no sense of time I always look out for the time now.

I stand up and change my clothes.

I often wear a top and shorts to bed.

I decide on a green-colored hoddie that used to belong to Kieran with an imprint of an basketball team called the Boston Celtics and my dark blue jeans.

I find Siobhan in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

As soon as she hears me she faces me.

She looks sleepy.

"How's Kieran doing?"

"Better. They beat him pretty hard. But nothing serious."

"He asked about you actually. Why don't you go to him?"

He wants to see me?

I don't move for several seconds.

"Go Cassidy. Come on."

Siobhan smiles.

I slowly go upstairs.

I assume the last room is his.

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