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The door opens.

He steps inside.

There is a flashlight in his hand.

It lightens his face.

He always comes with a flashlight.

I've memorized his face.

His body.

His movements.

He has dark hair.

Bright green eyes.

I stared up to them so often that their vibrant color is burned into my memory.

He is lean.


And tall.

I don't know what I look like.

My hair is dark.

My body weak.

Nothing more.

I close my eyes.

He never talks.

I do not too.

But I want to.

I want it so much.

I once heard someone calling him.

''Kieran, close the door''

That's how I learned his name.

He closed the door and left me.


I want to talk.

Should I?

I should.

I don't know how.


I should be able to talk.

I leave my eyes closed.

Kieran moves next to me.

He inhales.


I leave my eyes closed.

He sighs.

I fear opening my eyes.

I want to ask him so many different things.

He puts something on the dark, dirty ground.

He leaves me without food for so many days.

I guess its time for food.

He whispers.

Something unintelligible.

I wish I knew what.

He starts moving.

He will be leaving me.

I open my eyes.

He moves quickly.


I hear somebody saying.

Kieran turns around.

Surprise written in his features.

Why is he surprised?

I realize I talked.

For the first time.



He talked to me.

Asked me something.

His voice.

Its deep.

Smooth as honey.

I bet he talks often.




Unlike me.

I close my eyes again.

Trying to believe that this is not an illusion.


I plead.

''Just stay, please.''

I don't want him to leave.

''Why should I?''

Yes, why should he?

He probably knows that I want to kill him.

He is not stupid.

''Tell me why I should?''

He demands.

I open my eyes.

He stands on the exact same spot.

He waits.

''Please, just stay. You always leave me. Please stay for once.''

He stares at me.

The light of the flashlight blinding me.


He moves to the door.

He stares at me for the last time.

Something like a smile crosses his lips.

He closes it.

For the first time I cry.

I just cry.

Its dark.

So dark. 

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