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"I knew it. I just knew it."

A armed man starts screaming. 

His voice sounds authoritative.

As if he is used to give commands.

It also sounds cold.

And angered.

"I knew it. The moment I saw you three. I knew you would betray the family. Listen, Kieran Andrew O'Connor, Luca Fabrizio Angelini and Sean Robert Murphy, I declare you expelled. YOU'RE OUT! AND I'M GONNA KILL AND TORTURE YOU THREE."

The man's voice is getting louder.

He screams out of anger.

"How dare you betray the gang? I've invested so much time into you three."

"Boss may I say something?"

A man with blonde hair standing behind the boss asks.

"Say it Brady!"

The Boss is touching his nose bridge.

Trying to calm down I believe.

"O'Connor and Angelini never captured the daughter of Mattia Colombo. He hid her in Italy. That girl seems to be from Irish descent if you ask me."

Kieran next to me stiffens.

Luca who is standing on my right side sighs.

"Since when do you know that Brady?"

The Boss turns to Brady who looks visibly scared.

"The daughter returned a few days ago. Sullivan and McNamara saw her. They directly reported it to me."


The Boss exclaims.

"May I say something as well boss?" Kieran says.

"What O'Connor what?"

"We never stated that we abducted the daughter of Colombo. We just said we captured somebody. I don't know what Brady told you, but not once did we say something about Francesca Colombo and abducting her."

"Brady what is he saying?"

The Boss screamed again. 

"Well I'm terribly sorry boss but I assumed that it was Colombo's daughter."

"And all this time I thought Colombo didn't hold his daughter dear. How if the daughter is living her life in Italy? Still O'Connor that doesn't explain your betrayal."

This time Luca raised his hand.

The Boss nodded.

"Boss, we knew we couldn't take the Patriarca family alone. When we were planning the abduction we found a this warehouse. One time though she was here. We were scared that she would tell the police and I decided on my own to keep her here. I drugged her. Kieran tried to talk it out of me but I was trying to protect myself and the mob. I take all the responsibility,"

He turned to me.

"Listen preziosa, mi dispiace. It was my fault. I felt guilty and put all the pressure and responsibility for you on Kieran's plate. He told me from the beginning that this wasn't right. And.. I'm sorry. For everything."

Luca's words didn't change anything.

His guilt.

Him taking the responsibility of the committed crime.

They destroyed my life.

Shredded it.

Stomped on it.

Could I get back the parts I lost?

I stayed silent.

My hand was still intertwined with Kieran's.

"Angelini, do you know what that means?"

Sean whispered.

"Yeah, I do Murphy. I know."

But Luca did the unthinkable.

He pulled out a gun.

And faced the boss.

"Let them go, Dunne. Or I'm gonna kill you, you cazzo."

Kieran let my hand go.

And pulled his gun out as well. He turned to me.

"Look at me. You have to run. The moment he caves in, alright? Take my jacket. Your ID and purse are in my jacket pocket. I'm sorry"

He kissed my forehead.

I slipped into his jacket.

His sent that smelled like summer,




All the beautiful things combined.

Captivated my nose. 

"The girl can go. But you three have to stay here. I'm gonna keep my promise of torture and murder. You fought against the wrong man. No one fights Patrick Dunne."


Kieran said.

I started moving.

But turned around once.

Kieran stared at me.

He mouthed something.

"Take care, Cassidy"

He said loud.

After that gun sounds erupted and I ran.

I ran so fast that my lungs hurt.

I ran for all the times I couldn't run. For all the times were I was locked into a small room in a warehouse.

I ran.

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