A Swim in the Dark

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Elita's POV

Percy and I walked back to the cabin. I dragged behind a little bit. Not because I was tired but because I was afraid of falling asleep only to wake up and find this to be a dream.

Percy showed me where I would sleep and gave me a pillow and a blanket. I took them and curled up in my bed.

"Just to worn you demigods usually get a lot nightmares" Percy warned me. I just nodded and yawned.

I tried and tried to fall asleep, but I just couldn't. I felt tired and I wanted to sleep, but I soon gave up. I stretched and wondered what time it was. It was still dark out. Probably 1 o'clock I guessed.

Trying to decide what to do I rolled out of bed. I slipped on a pair of skinny jeans and a black sweatshirt. I silently walked past Percy and out the door.

I breathed in a breath of fresh air. The coolness of night always seemed to comfort me for some reason. I glanced around making sure no one was around.

A shadow seemed to appear, but then quickly dissapeared. Must have been Imagining it I told myself and started to walk around. I ended up walking to the lake. After all I am a daughter of Poseidon.

I went to walk down the dock when I noticed some one was already at the end of it. I silently sneaked forward until I could tell who it was. It was Nico.

I stood there debating on what to do. Should I stay and talk to him, go back to the cabin, or go somewhere else. I had no idea what to do.

Nico's POV

I didn't go back to my cabin. I walked around aimlessly. I replayed the events from earlier. Was she going to kiss me? Why do I even care? Ugh too much thinking makes my head hurt.

I could always confront Jason about this. After all he was one of the very few who knew I used to have a crush on Percy.

Without realizing it I ended up at the Poseidon cabin. I shook my head and let out a sigh. Before I could walk away I heard the door open. Elite walked out and took a breath. I shadow traveled away.

I shadow traveled to the dock to be alone and to think. I couldn't understand so many things. People often think I'm a freak. Its because they don't know why I don't get attached to people.

Everyone I love dies. My mother, my sister. Percy almost died. I wouldn't have been able to live without him. He was my first real friend. Then there's Elite.

I heard footsteps behind me and hoped that they would leave me alone. The footsteps stopped a few feet away from me. I was tempted to tell them to leave me alone.

"Are you going to stand there all night watching me?" I asked without turning around.

"I-I didn't expect anyone else to be out here" the girl behind me stammerd. I cursed under my breath. Of all people it had to be Elita.

I sighed stood up and turned around. Elita was staring at the ground not daring to look up. The wind was blowing her hair away from her face so you could see her blue eyes pierce through the night.

Elita's POV

I saw him stand up and turn to face me. I looker down I didn't want to see his sad eyes behind his dark brown hair. Ever so slowly I looked up. He was staring at me.

Our eyes met and neither of us said anything. Minutes went by before I had the courage to move or say anything.

"I'll see you tomorrow I guess" I mumbled. I walked past him and jumped into the lake.

I quickly formed a bubble around me as I sank to the bottom. Fish swam around me and my bubble. I sat there just thinking to myself for at least half an hour before coming back up.

I wasn't expecting Nico to still be there. I was planning on just going back to my cabin and hopefully sleep, not run into Nico again. I swam towards the dock not knowing where else to go.

When I got there I realized Nico was asleep. Thank the gods I whispered to myself. Then I remembered Chiron rule. No going out after lights out. I didn't want Nico to get into trouble.

I climbed up onto the deck and I was instantly dried. I looked at Nico trying to decide how to wake him. I went up and poked him. He didn't move so I poked harder. Nothing.

I tried shaking him, and I could have sworn I saw his lips twitch as if he was holding back a smile. Nico was still asleep. Then I got an idea.

I mustered up my strength and soaked him with water. He jumped up. His eyes were wide. He then saw me and his emotion changed from surprised to angry.

Nico's POV

I was startled when I got drenched with water. I jumped up and looked around. I realized where I was and started to relax until I saw Elita standing there trying not to laugh.

"What the Hades do you think you are doing" I question her angerly.

"I was waking you up you idiot" Elita replied still trying not to laugh. There are better ways to wake someone I thought bitterly.

I slowly walked up to her. Her smile faded when I stood in front of here. She was at the edge of the dock. Suddenly I get an idea. I smirk and push her into the water.

Before I can take a step back she grabs my arm and pulls me into the lake. She smiles innocently at me.

I splash her with water and attempt to swim to the dock.

Elita is laughing and swimming to the dock also. Before I could stop myself I started to laugh too. I climbed up onto the dock and turned around. I then do the most courageous thing I have ever done. I offer my hand to help her onto the dock, and she takes it.

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