Trapped and Alone

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Elita's POV

On the other side of the street I see a fire hydrant. Maybe the pressure of the water from that will at least knock out the bull. Its at least worth a shot but how to get the water is the problem.

The bull is getting ready to charge again and I still don't have a plan. Just as bull starts to charge I have another idea. Maybe I can get the bull to run into the fire hydrant.

As the bull approaches I quickly roll the side closer to the fire hydrant. The bull skids and turns around and sends a spurt of fire towards me.I try to handspring out of the way but I wasn't quick enough. Some of the fire scraps my right arm. I try to ignore the pain.

I inch closer to the hydrant and look at the bull. I'm hoping that it will charge and not blast anymore fire at me. Just when it looks like it's going to charge again, I hear a noise from down the street. Another bull is coming my way.

These bulls just keep multiplying I think to myself, as the charging bull gets closer. How am I supposed to distract two bulls at once. I hope the others get here soon.

I do the only thing I can right now to keep the bulls' attention on me and not the others. I turn away from them and start running. I'm glad that my mom forced me to workout a lot, so I am in shape.

As I am running down the street upahead I see a road going to the right. I quickly glance over my shoulder. Both bulls are still chasing me. I feel like I'm in Spain doing the running of the bulls.

I make a sharp turn to the right and contiue to sprint. These bulls are fast, but that means they will have trouble turning or stopping. At least I hope they do.

I take another glance over my shoulder. The bulls skid as they turn the corner. It slowed them down slightly but not a lot. It's too wide off a turn. I need to find a an alley or something to turn into.

I continue to run, while looking for an alley. Every once and a while I turn to try to slow down the bulls, but they are getting closer and closer to me. Finally I see an alley up ahead, and I start to run faster.

I swiftly turn into it and continue running. I look to see the bulls slidding past it and trying to stop. Yes, I think, I bought myself some time. I keep heading down the alley way looking for the exit, untill I hit the end.

There's no way out I just trapped myself. I can hear the see the bulls entering the alley walking slowly, as if they know they have finally got there prey. I try to think of a way out, but I'm no child of Athena. One bull starts to charge at me the other not close behind. I attempt to jump over the first one, and succede.

Before I land on the ground the other bull slams into me and I go flying against a wall. Everything goes dark and I start to think I'm dying. I lay there waiting for the bulls to charge again, but instead I feel someone pick me up and carry me. Feeling safe I fall into complete darkness in their arms.


Authers Note

Hey guys sorry for not updating in a while I've been so busy. Now I'm not trying to make exuses but it's been a long month for me between soccer and color guard. I hope I will have time once school starts to updating more, but just in case I will apologize now in case I don't update in a while. Thanks for all of your votes and comments. Let me know if you have any suggestions for this book or something you want to see in it.

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