Secret for my Sister

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Nico's POV

Elita was asleep by the time I got to her cabin. I walked in and set her gentley on the bed. I then pulled the blanket up and tucked her in.

Elita stirred slighty and her hair covered part of her face. I leaned over and tucked her hair behind her ear so I could see her face.

She looked beautiful when she was sleeping. I looked around to make sure no one was in the cabin or looking in. I didn't see anyone. I leaned closer and gave Elita a light kiss on her head.

I walked out and headed down to the pavilion. Lunch hadn't started yet but Percy was there. I went over to him so I could explain to him what happened.

"Hey Percy" I say. He looks at me and smiles. He is always smiling.

"Hey Nico" Percy replies. "Have you seen Elita anywhere I can't find her."

"Yeah she's sleeping in her cabin" I start out. "She said she wasn't hungry probably because of what happened this morning."

"What happened this morning" Percy asks looking concerned. "Was she injured is she okay"

"Well I showed her how to Iris message so she could talk to her mom" I started to retell the events of earlier. "She's not physically hurt but I don't know if she is okay. Her mom wasn't very understanding about the whole demigod thing and called Elita some names and such."

"I'll talk to her after lunch" Percy says. "Make sure she is okay and to see if she still wants to train later."

At this point it's time for lunch so I head over to my table and sit across from Hazel. She's the closet thing I have to a sister.

"Hi Nico" Hazel says in her normal cheery voice.

"Hi Hazel" I say in my normal non-cherry voice. Hazel is one of the few people who I have told everything about my past

"How was your morning" Hazel asks me. I don't know if Elita would want me trying her or not. I decide to wait and ask her later.

"Okay I guess" I state trying not to show any emotion. "Yours?"

"Fun Frank and I stayed inside and played bored games. We would have invited u to play but u weren't in the cabin." Hazel tells me nd then goes onto her morning in greater detail.

"If u want we could hang out after lunch" I suggest

"Sure" Hazel says happily.

I let her talk as I eat my lunch. I find my mind often wandering and thinking of Elita. I hope she is okay. At least she has Percy. Mrs. Jackson would be more than willing to take her in.

"Hello earth to Nico" Hazel says interrupting my thoughts. I look at her. "U going to answer my question or tell me what u were thinking about."

"Sorry what was your question." I say apologeticly. Hazel sighs.

"Never mind that it wasn't important. Are u going to tell me who you were thinking about." Hazel inquires.

"How do you know I was thinking of a person." I say surprised.

"I know that look." Hazel states simply.

"What look?" I ask her.

"You like someone" she starts out. I know where this is leading. "Please tell me please please tell me"

"I don't like anyone" I tell Hazel.

"Yes you do who where you just thinking about." Hazel asks trying to figure it out. Elita. I answer her question in my head. We are jut friends I don't like her in that way.

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