Sneaking In

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Nico's POV

We stood there for a while hugging, I'm still trying to comprehend the idea of having a girlfriend now. My cheeks were beginning to hurt from smiling so much and for so long. It's been a while since I've felt this happy.

"We should probably head back to the infirmary before Will notices we're gone." I whisper to Elita and slowly let go of her. As we both release each other from the hug I see her face. She is also smiling.

I tentatively take her hand, and head off to the infirmary. She walks next to me and I look at her every few moments to make sure she is still happy and that there is no looks of regret. I'm still not used to the fact of other people liking me after the war.

We walk up to the entrance door and let go of Elita's hand. I pull on the handle, nothing happens. I try again, and still nothing. It's locked I realized. Elita looks at me as if asking what to do now.

"I can try to shadow travel us in." I suggest.

"You've already traveled twice today and you a r e still recovering from the bulls incident, will it tire you out too much if you do it again?" Elita questioned, looking a bit concerned.

"It's possible, but I should be fine." I tell her. I reach out to grab her hand to shadow travel, but she pulls away.

"I'm sure there's another way we can get in that won't hurt you at all." Elita says. My eyes widen slightly at her concern. Having another person care this much about me is going to take some getting used to.

"Maybe there's a window we can use somewhere." I suggest and hold my hand out for her.

"You're not going to shadow travel, right?" She asks. I shake my head and she takes my hand.

We walk around the building looking for a way in. After about a minuet or so I notice a open window o the second floor, but I don't know how we would get up there. Elita notices that I stopped walking and follows my gaze to the open window.

"You could hoist me up, then I can pull you up." Elita suggests.

"Or we could find a ladder" I offer.

"We might not have time to find one." Elita states.

"Okay, we can try your idea." I tell her.

We walk over next to the wall. I put my hands out for her to step on, and then have her stand on my shoulders.  She reaches up trying to grab the window ledge but she is a few inches short.

"Jump." I tell her.

"Won't that hurt you though?" Elita questions.

"I'll be fine, just jump." I replie. She hesitates for a few more seconds before complying. When I feel her weight leave my shoulders for me than a few seconds, I step away from the wall.

I watch as she pulls herself up through the window. Once in, she turns back and looks at me. She holds her arms out the window and then suggests I get a running start before jumping. I take a few steps back, before running and jumping up towards her arms. She grabs my right wrist. I swing my other arm up to her other arm and she grabs it. Elita then pulls me up to the ledge, and I grab on to pull myself through.

I pull myself through into an empty patients room. Elita helps me to my feet and we exit the room. It takes a little bit of wandering but we eventually find our room. We open the door, and thankfully there is no one there. Elita sits down on the bed and I sit down next to her.

"That wasn't to difficult." Elita says. I nod agreeing with her.

"It made me a little tired." I tell her.

"Then we can sleep until we wake up or someone else wakes us up." Elita replies. I nod to tired for words at this point, though I would have stayed up with Elita if that was what she wanted.

We climb under the blanket and then I pull her towards me. It felt wonderful to hold her knowing that she was my girlfriend. I wish I could stay like this forever, just holding her tight. Within a few minuets I was able to fall into a dreamless sleep.

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