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Elita's POV

"Do you have any plans tonight?" Hazel asks me as soon as dinner ended.

"No. I already trained with Percy earlier today." I answer.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight." Hazel tells me.

"Okay. What did you have in mind?" I ask.

"We're going out shopping tonight. You, Annabeth, Piper, and Me." Hazel tells me.

"I thought we weren't allowed to leave camp without Chiron's opinion" I question.

"Well since we are part of the seven we don't have to ask. We just have to let him know we are leaving." Hazel explains.

"What do mean the seven?" I ask

"Long story and us seven only tell it if all of us are present." Hazel tells me, and i nod.

"Okay so when are we going shopping?" I ask

"In a hour I will meet you at your cabin. Wear whatever you want." Hazel tells me before walking away. I nod. I have an hour to kill, so i decide go to my cabin and see if Percy wants to swim with me since I don't think he has anything planned right now.

I get to my cabin and before I open the door I hear more than one person. I knew one of the voices was Percy, but it took me a moment to realize who the other person was. It was Nico.

I put my ear to listen to them. By the tone of their voices it sounded very serious, and they were using pronouns so I didn't understanding everything.

"Would you take care of her, and treat her right?" Percy questions.

"Of course. You know this is basically the first time I have really liked anyone. I would hate myself if I messes this up." Nico tells him.

"Well then I approve. But listen here Di Angelo if you break my little sister's heart, then I will break you" Percy says, and I dash behind the cabin so I don't get caught.

I peered around the corner in time to see Nico exiting my cabin and walking away. I sit on the ground behind my cabin. I try to comprehend what I heard. Maybe Percy has another sister. But then why would Nico be asking now.

I finally come to realize that the only person they could have been talking about is me. I don't know what to do. I have so many questions running through my head. Why does Nico even like me I have only been here two days.

I give up trying to answer my own questions. I stand up and go to the front of my cabin. I open the door and walk in. Percy is sitting on his bed flipping his comic book.

"Hey" I say out loud making my presence known since he didn't seem to hear me walk in. Percy glances up.

"Hey" Percy replies before going back to his comic book. I walk over to my bunk. I start going through my clothes trying to decide what to wear. I end up picking out a dark blue T-shirt and black jeans.

I glance over at Percy and see he is still reading his comic book so I quickly get changed. I put on my black leather jacket and put the little money I have in my pocket. Before starting to head back to the door of my cabin.

"I'll see you later" I say to Percy.

"Okay" Percy replies absent mindedly. I roll my eyes, and walk outside.

I still have a little time before I have to meet Hazel at my cabin. So decide to take a walk down to the dock on the lake. When I get down there, someone is already sitting on the dock. As I get closer I realize its Nico.

I can't avoid otherwise he will know I overheard the conversation. I have to act normal, I tell myself. I walk down to the dock.

"Hi" I say as I sit down next to him. Nico tenses for a moment when he hears my voice.

"Hey" he says back trying to act calm. The winds blows his hair back from hi face so I am able to see his dark eyes. I don't know what to talk about since I don't know much about him.

"Do you want to play 20 questions?" I ask hoping to get to know him better.

"What's that?" He asks with confusion.

"Basically its a game where one person asks a question and the other person answers and then the second person asks a question back. And you go back and forth untill both have asked 20 questions." I explain.

"Okay" Nico replies. Before I can ask a question, I hear Hazel shout my name to get my attention. Dang it.

"I'm sorry I promised Hazel I would go shopping with her." I start. "We could always meet her later if you still want to play 20 questions."

"Sure. Midnight right here okay" he asks me. I smile and nod before walking to Hazel. I glance back to see Nico watching me walk away. I bite my lip to stop from smiling.

"Hey ready to go?" Hazel asks.

"Yeah" I reply. We start walking toward the Athena cabin where Annabeth and Piper are waiting for us.


A/N Do you want me to write a short chapter with the full conversation between Nico and Percy or continue with the girls going shopping. I hope I am doing okay with writing so far and I would appreciate feedback on what you think and what you want.

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