Mr. Tomato

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Nico's POV

"Just you." Elita tells me and I blush slightly while smiling at her. Hearing things like that and having a girlfriend is going to take some time getting used to.

"Anything specific about me?" I ask curious to know what she thinks of me.

"I was just thinking that you are cute when you blush." Elita replies causing me to blush again.

"I am the prince of the underworld, I'm not cute." I say while rolling my eyes.

"You're right you're not cute," Elita states and I look at her in confusion. "You're adorable."

I feel my cheeks heat up slightly. It's going to be a long day if she is going to say things like this all day. Hopefully we can just stay in my cabin all day so I don't have to worry about others seeing me all flustered, who knows what kind of nick names Leo would start to give me.

"Do you want to head back to my cabin?" I ask hoping she will say yes.
She bites he lip as she thinks about which causes me to blush and look away.

"How about we go down to the lake instead, I would just love to go for a swim. Maybe someone has a swimsuit I could borrow." Elita suggest looking at me. I didn't want to say no. We had been kept inside for so many days that she probably doesn't want to stay inside all day.

"Sure, whatever you want to do is fine with me." I tell her and she smiles.

"We can stop by the Aphrodite cabin. Piper might have one, if not then one of the other girls probably will." Elita says and I nod. As we exit the infirmary we walk towards the Aphrodite cabin.

Elita walks up the door and knocks. A boy with green eyes answers the door.

"Elita, what are you doing here?" The boy asks.

"I'm just looking for Piper, is she here Grant." Elita asks and I remember Piper telling me that he has charmspeak. Not wanting him to use it on her I put my arm around Elita's waist defensively.

"I'll go get her, by the way, you look nice today." Gran tells her.

"Back off, Elita is mine so don't you dare try to use your charmspeak on her or I will send you to the depths of Tartarus." I threaten and by the look of Grant's face he believed me. He turned and walked inside the cabin. I felt Elita hug me and look up at me.

"It's okay, Percy already told him to stay away from me, after he tried o use it on me the other day. He wasn't using it right now. I doubt he will try going up against you and Percy. You have nothing to worry about." Elita tells me and I calm down. I know how children of Aphrodite can be. They like to use people just for the heck of it. I didn't want anyone like that around Elita.

"Grant said that someone was threatening him out here, I should have guesses that it would be you." Piper said jokingly.

"I had good reason to." I defended.

"And what reason was that?" Piper questioned.

"He was complementing Elita while I was right next to her." I answered.

"Are you going to threaten me if I complement Elita too?" Piper asked.

"No, cause you don't have ulterior motives." I explained.

"Anyways, what did you need?" Piper turned and asked Elita.

"I just wanted to know if you had a bathing suit I can borrow." Elita asked.

"I think so, come inside for a moment." Piper answered. Elite followed her in. I leaned against the side of the cabin to wait.

"Elita won't be your's forever, not with me around. Eventually she will see that I am better than you could ever be." Grant said walking up to me.

"Really, can you do this?" I asked and then summoned a skeleton, "or this" and I then opened a slight crack in the ground before closing it back up.

"You forget that I have charmspeak." Grant told me.

"It doesn't work very well on those who are in love." I reminded him.

"Elita doesn't love you, no one is capable of loving someone like you." Grant argued. That put me over the edge. I swung my fist and hit him in the nose. It started to bleed.

"You might want to go get that checked out. Let that be a warning to you in case earlier wasn't. Unless you want to die stay away from Elita, or I swear on the river Styx I will destroy you." I said as he walked away to the infirmary.

A few moments later Elita and Piper came out. She was wearing a purple two piece bathing suit. My eyes widened when I saw her. She looked so beautiful. I blushed and looked away.

"Aww look, he's blushing. Told you it looked cute on you." Piper said and Elita laughed.

"Come on let's go, Mr. Tomato." Elita joked and grabbed my hand while walking towards.

"I'm not blushing that much, I can't help it. Besides isn't it a complement to you." Nicolas complained.

"Haven't I already told you that you look cute when you blush, and by the end of the day I bet I can make your face red." Elita challenged.

"Actually you decided on adorable, and you will not be able to, I do have some control." I replied.

"Not control over what I will do." Elita said.

"And what do you plan on doing?" I asked.

"That is classified information." Elita replied with a smile. I smirked at her and pulled her towards me.

"You know, two can play at this game." I said and put a piece of hair behind her ear and then slowly trailed my fingers down her neck. Once her cheeks became tinted with light pink, I pulled away.

"I usually don't blush." Elita stated.

"So you're used to people touching your neck?" I questioned with jelousy.

"No, it was hard enough making friends when I was constantly moving, let alone boyfriends. So you can calm down." Elita reassured me, and I smiled. I pulled her into a hug.

"In case you haven't noticed, I might have a slight jelousy problem." I wispered into her ear.

"I noticed when you threatened Grant." Elita said.

"He was flirting with you while I had my arm around you." I defended.

"You have nothing to worry about, I'm pretty sure your threat scared him off." Elita said. She doesn't know that he's still going after her with charmspeak.

"Just please stay away from him, he does have charmspeak." I told her.

"I was already planning to. Percy told me the same thing." Elita commented. I released Elita from the hug and grabbed her hand.

"Come on we are almost to the dock." I said and continued walking.

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