Doctor's Orders

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Nico's POV

We walked in peaceful silence on the way back to the infirmary. Every once and a while I would glance over at Elita. There was a slight wind that brushed her hair away from her face. As she walked her arms swung slightly.

I glanced over again and this time her eyes met mine. I looked away quickly. I could feel my cheeks heating up slightly. I didn't dare look over at her again in case she caught me again.

When we got to the doors of the infirmary, Will was there and he seemed a little peeved.

"No note on where you went or when you would be back. You weren't allowed to leave yet Nico. As for you, Elita I haven't given you your final check up to make sure your head is okay." Will tells us loudly. "Both of you come with me now."

He turned and walked through the doors. We followed him inside.

"He's acting like a mother, we weren't even gone that long." I grumbled quietly so Will couldn't hear me. Next to me Elita stifles a laugh. I didn't realize she heard that. The corner of my lips twitch up almost to a smile at the fact that Elita found me funny.

Eventually we ended up back in my room in the infirmary. Will tells us to both sit on the bed. He then goes through his normal check up to make sure we are okay.

"Well neither of you seem worse than before, but both of you could have caught a cold from being outside." Will starts off. "To make sure you are both fine, and as punishment for leaving without permission both of you will have to stay another night."

"How did you know we were out side?" Elita asks.

"Percy came and told me. Also since you two can't seem to stay away from eachother I've decided that both of you will just sleep in here tonight. I will be back later." Will says and then leaves.

Of course Will would make it akward before leaving. I'm already antisocial, and this doesn't help. How am I supposed to start up a conversation.Before I can think of anything Elita begins to speak up.

"Before I left I flipped through your sketchbook. I didn't know it was a sketchbook but I tend to be a little curious sometimes. Anyways your drawings are very good I wish I had your artistic skill. I couldn't draw even if my life depended on it." Elita rambled. I wonder if she felt awkward after Will left to. "I'm sorry if it was something I wasn't supposed to see and if you want I won't tell anyone."

"It's fine I wasn't really a secret or anything. I just have never really shown it to anyone. I don't think anyone would really care if you talked about my drawings. They aren't really that great." I say shyly. I don't handle complements well.

"The one of your sister was beautiful." Elita says. At first I was confused I haven't drawn Hazel yet, but then I realize she is talking about Bianca. I forgot that I had told her about Bianca.

"Thanks" I tell her. "What are we supposed to do all day?"

"We could play a game." Elita suggests.

"What game are you thinking of?" I ask.

"I don't know, are there any board games around here?" Elita questions.

"Possibly let me go ask Will." I say before walking out of the room. I takes a little while to find him.

"Hey Will." I say walking towards him.

"What are you doing out of your room?" Will questions.

"I just came to ask you a question. Calm down." I say while rolling my eyes.

"What's the question?" Will asks.

"Are there any board games around here or at least something for Eluta and I to do all day since e can't leave? I ask him.

"I think there are some in the supply room." Will tells me. I want to ask him why they would be in the supply room but I decide against it.

Once I got to the supply room I found a few board games there and a deck of cards. I don't know how to play some of them because they weren't around in the 1940's, but hopefully Elita does. I grab them and walk back to the room.

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