Teaching and Learning

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Elita's POV

As I was waiting for Nico to come back I started to wonder if anyone will bring me food. It's probably close to lunch time and I am quite hungry. Hopefully Percy brings something.

After a little while Nico came back. He was carrying board games and a deck of cards he set them down on a table.

"Just saying now, I don't know how to play any of these" Nico says. I look at the stack of board games to see what he brought. There was clue, monopoly, sorry, and life.

"How do you not know how to play any of these, they are classics?" I ask him.

"Because I was born in the 1940s " Nico says and I don't think he is being sarcastic.

"You look quiet young for being over 70." I comment hoping that he will explain what he is talking about.

"When I was really young I was in this casino with my sister that made time seem to pass by faster and didn't age you at all. My sister and I were in there for years and it only felt like a few months." Nico explains.

"Well then I guess I will have to teach you how to play then." I tell him, "Which one do you want to start with?"

Nico looks at the pile of board games for a moment and then grabs monopoly. He then watches as I pull out the board and sets it up.

"Do you want to read the rules or would you rather I explain how to play?" I ask him while holding out the rule book.

"Well considering I'm dyxlexic, it would be quicker for you to explain it." Nico replies.

"Okay how to play is simple you start out with a little bit of money and on your turn you roll the dice and move that amount of spaces. The goal of the game is to make the other players go bankrupt. To do that you have to buy properties and when someone lands on your property they have to pay you rent." I explain "make sense so far?"

"Yes I think I understand" Nico tells me.

"Now there are a lot of minor details and rules but you can learn those as we play." I reply. "One other thing you should know monopoly is said to ruin friendships so hopefully we can still be friends after this."

Nico looks at me like he is slightly concerned. Is he afraid of losing me as a friend?

"So how do we start?" Nico asks.

I hand out the money and let Nico choose a playing piece. He chose the dog and then I chose the hat. I picked up the dice and then the game began. The game took over am hour in the end I won.

A lot of the time was spent arguing about rules because Nico didn't believe some of them, like the the going to jail after rolling doubles 3 times and the special rule about getting 400 when you land on go. I think Nico is still mad that I won though even though it's been a few minutes since the game had ended.

"You're not still mad about me winning are you?" I ask him.

"Why would I be mad about some stupid game that you cheated at?" Nico replies obviously still mad.

"Because I won and I didn't cheat you just didn't know the rules." I tell him.

"The only reason you won is because you tricked me into trading with you." Nico says.

"That's not cheating though, that's just being manipulative." I comment.

"It is when I haven't played the game before I thought you were supposed to be teaching me not tricking me and telling me lies about the game." Nico replies.

"It didn't lie the last blue space does make the most money but what I didn't tell you is that it hardly gets landed on and without having the other for a monopoly it's kind of useless. Besides the only way to get better at the game is to learn from your mistakes." I tell him. At that moment the door opens and Percy walks in with food.

"Thought you guys might be hun- you seem mad Nico what's going on in here?" Percy says concerningly.

"She cheated at monopoly." Nico explains.

"I did not cheat you just don't want to admit that you lost." I retort. Percy just stands there staring at us not sure how to respond.

"Well I'm just going to set the food here. Try and not kill each other over board games." Percy says before leaving.

"I warned you before the game that this game ruins friendships now you know why." I say before going and getting food.

"Just because you cheated does not mean our friendship is ruined." Nico says while also getting food. I almost smile at the fact that he said that because it means he considers us friends and doesn't want to ruin our friendship.

"How about we just call it a tie even though I technically won." I suggest.

"Fine." Nico agrees but he looks like he still wants to argue.

We both just sit in a comfortable silence eating our food for a while. I can tell that Nico is still annoyed with me slightly I will just have to let him win the next game we play.

We spend the next few hours playing board games, laughing, and arguing occasionally. Will comes at dinner with food and checks up on us to make sure we are both still okay and not in any pain or anything.

After he leaves I yawn. I'm tired even though I haven't done much today.

"If you are tired then you can sleep." Nico tells me.

"What about you, are you not tired?" I question.

"Not really." He replies.

"Won't you be bored though if I go to sleep?" I ask.

"I can just go and bother will or something. I will be fine." Nico tells me.

I climb into the bed and pull the blanket up. Usually it takes me forever to fall asleep but I was asleep in less than a minuet.

A/N I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a long time I've had a busy summer  I will try to update again soon but school is starting soon so I will only be becoming busier. I also have to figure out where I'm going with this story.

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