The Dress

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Elita's POV

After getting Annabeth and Piper, we started heading for the camp's entrance. Once we left camp there was a taxi waiting for us. One of the girls must have called for the taxi ahead of time.

All for of us squeezed into the back of the taxi and told the driver to take us into the city. Hazel got in first, followed by Piper, then me, and finally Annabeth got in. Once in I realized that Piper was a daughter of Aphrodite and automatically wondered if she could use charm speak or not, but before I could ask Annabeth spoke up.

"Okay so you guys remember how on my first quest Percy, Grover, and I got stuck in the Lotus Hotel Casino?" Annabeth started. Hazel and Piper nodded there heads, while I shook mine. "Well I still have the credit card from there with infinity dollars so get whatever you want."

I smiled I didn't have much money and was wondering how I was going to buy anything. I would have to ask about Annabeth's quest later. Then I remembered my question from earlier.

"Hey Piper I heard that some Children of Aphrodite have this power called charmspeak. Do you have that ability?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah but I try not to use it to much unless I am on a quest. How did you here about it?" Piper asks.

"Percy warned me about it earlier today" I explain to Piper.

"Oh okay. That's understandable because there are some children of Aphrodite that have that ability and misuse it. Such as Drew or Grant." Piper tells me.

A few minutes after Piper finishes talking we arrive in the city. Annabeth hands the driver the card to pay and we all pile out of the car. We walk to the closest store which is a dress store called Dina's Diva Dresses.

"I doubt that any of us want to be here for long so, pick only two Dresses and meet back at the dressing rooms." Piper tells us and we all nod.

I start walking around through all the rows of dresses hoping that something will catch my eye. When nothing really does I start I decide to pick a random dress and try it on. I close my eyes and spin in a circle and stop.

I open my eyes and in front of me is a red dress. It bedazzled at the top and is really short but I decide to take it and try it on anyways. I am about to pick another random dress but something catches my eye.

In the back of the store i see this blue dress. I walk over to it and admire it. It had a halter top and was this beautiful shade of baby blue. It wasn't too short of a dress and the bottom seem to flow out. I toom the dress and headed over to the dressing rooms.

Annabeth and Piper were already there waiting. As I started to walk towards them I saw Hazel walking over from the other side. Once we were all there Piper spoke up.

"I want to see both dresses so I will be able to tell if they are right for you" Piper tells us like a true daughter of Aphrodite. Hazel laughs a little and Annabeth rolls her eyes. We all walk into separate dressing rooms.

I try on the red on first cause I want to save the blue one for last. Aftet I put it on I look in the mirror. It fits okay and o guess I look okay, but I still don't really like it. I sigh and walk out of the dressing rooms where I find Annabeth waiting in a green dress that looks amazing on her.

Shortly after I walk out Piper and Hazel walk out. Hazel is wearing a gold dress that goes perfectly with her eyes, and Piper is wearing this cute purple dress that's is very pretty.

Piper then critics us all saying how Annabeth's and Hazel's dresses are pretty and how mime just doesn't seem to be me. I agreed with her and we all went back into our dressing rooms.

I slipped out of the red dress and carefully put on the blue one. I turned to look in the mirror. I looked beautiful I did a little twirl and the dress spun out a little bit. Before I went out there I decided that no matter what Piper said I was getting this dress.

I slowly opened the door I was afraid of what they would say. When I walked out all three of them were staring at me. Was it that bad. Finally I heard Hazel say wow.

All three of them loved it and were jelous of my good find. We all weny back into the dressing rooms to change back into our regular clothes. We each decided to only get one dress. We started to walk towards the check out line when suddenly something crashed though the glass window into the store.


Double update to make up for not updating in a while. I might even right another chapter. Thanks for being patient and waiting for me to update. I hope you like it so far. Please keep reading I will hopefully be updating more now that it is summer.

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