In the woods

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Elita's POV

I slowly started to wake up. I went to lift my head up but relized something was on it. I also felt quite warm even though I was outside. I quickly opened my eyes and looked and the arms around me. It was only Nico. I didn't want to wake him, but I knew Percy was probably worried that I was missing for a while.

As I went to stand up, Nico's grip tightened on me. This caused me to fall backwards, and I landed in his lap. Somehow this didn't wake up Nico, he just mumbled incoherently. Relizing that it was pointless trying to get up, I closed my eyes, but I wasn't able to fall asleep.

I heard the sound of a twig snap, and my eyes shot open. I didn't have any weapons in me and neither did Nico. I held my breath hoping whatever it was would go away.

"Finally I found you" I heard Percy say. I let out a sigh of relief. I don't answer him, I just wait for him to walk over.

"I see your quite cozy there." Percy says while smirking.

"He's holding me too tight to let me up, and I didn't want to wake him." I tell him and he gives me look that said he didn't believe me.

"Well, I now know you are okay. I'll leave you two lovebirds alone now" Percy says walking away. I just rolled my eyes.

After a while I started to get bored. It's been at least ten minuets since Percy left. I decided it was time try and get up. I slowly pryed Nico's arms off me and stood up. I turned to look at Nico. He was still fast asleep.

I couldn't just leave him here. I had to wake him up. I thought back to the night at the lake when I doused him with water. I wondered if I could gather enough watet from my surroundings.

It was worth a shot I tried to search for water but there wasn't enough near me that I could gather. I sat down in front of him.

There were a few leafs on the ground. I picked one up. I the got an idea. I wonder how many leafs I can put on Nico before he wakes up. I was up to thirty leaves when he opened his eyes and stood up quickly.

All the leaves fell off him, except for one of them. There was still one on top of his head. I bit my lip so I wouldn't laugh.

"Why was I covered in leaves?" Nico questioned.

"I was bored." I explain.

"You could have woken me up." Nico tells me.

"Well you didn't like how I woke you up last time." I argue.

"That's because you drowned me in water." Nico retaliated.

"It's not my fault you're a hard sleeper." I retort. He let's out a sigh, but doesn't continue our arguement. I reach over and take the last leaf off his head. He just rolls his eyes, but I can tell he is trying hard not to smile.

"We should go find Percy. He was looking for you earlier." Nico says.

"No we don't he was here earlier." I explain.

"Then we need to go back to infirmery because Will doesn't like his pacients wandering off." Nico says while starting to walk out of the forest, and I follow him.

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