Save Her

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Nico's POV

As soon as we arrive, we all jump off our pegasus' and start to look around for where the girls might be. Then I hear this loud crash. It came from this dress shop a few shops away.

Percy immediately started to run over there, followed by Jason. I went after them. Both of them quickly jump through the broken glass window. I was planning on doing the same until I noticed Elita wasn't with the rest of them.

"Where's Elita?" I yell to Annabeth during the chaos. She quickly glances around.

"Ran off with a bull chasing her" Annabeth said quickly before rolling away from the bull.

I quickly turn and look around the street for any signs of her. Something catches my eye across the street. Next to a fire hydrant I notice scorch marks and what looks like blood.

I jog over to see how much blood there is. There isn't much the fire must have barely grazed her. I let out a sigh of relief she must have tried to run from it. We didn't pass any bulls on the way here.

I quickly start of into a sprint down the street. I notice skid marks going down a street and turn to follow them. Elita must be turning to try and slow them down.

I follow the skid marks down a fee more streets. As I pass an alleyway something shiny catches my eye. I stop and turn back around. In the alleyway are two bulls and they are cornering Elita.

I watch Elita jump over the first bull with grace. The second one starts to charge towards her. I go to yell but no sound comes out. The bull rams into her and sends her flying into a wall.

Blood is running down here face. The bulls are slowly walking towards her as if they know she can no longer fight. I had to do something.

I used my powers and conjured uo some skeletons. This made the Bulls turn to face me and my skeletons.

"Distract the Bulls until I'm able to get away with Elita" I order them. They quickly got the bulls attention and I was able to sneak past them to Elita. I brought my fingers to her neck. She still had a pulse.

I picked her up carefully in my arms and walked toward the shadows. Camp Half-Blood I thought has I walked right through the wall.

As soon as we got into the camp I fell to the ground. I heard someone run over. I looked up to see Will.

"Save her" I wispered before blacking out.

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