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Elita's POV

We walked down to the training arena to find people already in full on combat with each other. Apparently this was normal because Percy just kept walking, so I kept walking to.

"You ready for your first lesson in sword fighting." Percy asks me. I nod my head and smile at him. "Of course since you are a daughter of Poseidon you already have some sword fighting skill"

That must be why I did okay against Jason. I still have a lot to learn though. Archary, ancient Greek, rock climbing, monster fighting. Not that it really matters. Most demigods don't get to leave camp because it is hard to get a quest to leave.

We go to a more secluded part of the arena so Percy can teach me different sword skills. There is a dummy that Percy will use to show me and one for me to practice on.

"How are liking camp half-blood so far." Percy asks me when we take a break from sword fighting.

"I like it here. There is plenty to do and lots of stuff to learn." I tell him.
He nods.

"Any cute boys you like" Percy teases. I roll my eyes at him.

"I've only been here two days and I hardly know anyone." I tell him.

"Well then I will have to force you to make friends." Percy tells me.

"Do I have to make friends" I fake complain.

"Yes I don't need to have two antisocial friends." Percy says. I raise my eyebrow at him in question.

"Di Angelo not very social either." Percy states.

"Really didn't notice by the way he often avioded people and tried to avoid me at first" I say sarcasticly.
Percy laughs.

"What do you mean at first." Percy asks me.

"Well I noticed how he was trying to push me away when I would just simply talk to him. So I made it my goal to make him my friend." I explain.

"Good luck with that. Nico had only really opened up to three people. Me Jason and his half sister Hazel." Percy tells me.

"Its almost time for dinner we might want to head back" I say. Percy nods and we start heading back.

When we get t the dinning pavilion most cabins are already there, including Athena. Percy says he will be right back and goes to see Annabeth.

I go and sit at the Poseiden table alone. Nico and Hazel aren't here yet I wonder what they are doing. While I was thinking of the different things Nico and his sister could be doing, someone came up behind me and tapped my shoulder.

I spin around quickly and my hands drops to my did next to my sword. Its Grant I realize and turn back around ignoring him. He sits down next to me.

"Hey pretty girl" Grant said to me is voice flowing over me and makes me forget what I was thinking. He is right I am pretty.

"Do you know anything about Aphriodite demigods. " he asks me. "Specifically charmspeak."

I shake my head. I haven't been here long enough to underdstand what he was fully taking about.

"Well in that case would you like to go out with me" Grant asks.

His words are conving I think I would. Before I can give him my answer Percy shows up.

"Grant away from my sister." Percy says. Percy voice snaps me out of my trance like state. I look over and see Grant and push him away from me.

Grant gets up and leaves and Percy sits across from me. I look up at him wondering what happened.

"Some children of Aphriodite have charmspeak" Percy tells me.

"And what's charmspeak" I ask Percy.

"Charmspeak is the ability to convince people to do what you want or what your are telling them to be true." Percy explains.

"Is that what Grant has." I ask

"Yeah. Which is why I don't want you near him." Percy says. I just nod. I wouldn't want to be near him either if it weren't for his pretty emerald green eyes.

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