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as alaska and cole walked around the park, alaska felt herself becoming happier and happier being around him. there was no weight on her shoulders and she felt as if she was walking on air.

she hasn't even realized hours have passed since she last texted anyone, "hey cole? i think i need to get back to zach and melanie's apartment, can you walk me back?" alaska asked with a small smile.

cole nodded and walked her to the apartment building that had ivy growing up the side of it. "wow, herron is bougie..." cole said with a chuckle, alaska stifled a laugh.

"hey cole, i had a nice time hanging out with you today. can we exchange numbers...?" alaska asked quietly.

cole smiles big and gave her his phone, "of course," alaska quickly put her number in his phone, and she handed her phone to him, she handed his back as she heard zach's laugh coming from an open window.

cole smiled and waved to alaska, "it was awesome seeing you alaska. talk soon?"

"talk soon." alaska smiled.

alaska walked up with a smile to the noisy apartment, just to looked back down to her friend's, jonah and daniel looking confused, as well as lorelei having a calculating look on her face. alaska's smile fell. "what?"

"since when do you talk to cole king?" jack asked, thoroughly confused.

alaska rolled her eyes. "i don't. just the bitch over there had us meet up, or she didn't tell you." alaska said sarcastically.

"oh." jack shrugged looking down. "you just looked extremely happy with him alaska, don't be rude..." corbyn pipped in with an annoyed voice.

alaska laughed at that, "okay, i'm gonna go to the kitchen to get lunch now, girls come with me." alaska said as she stood up, the three girls in the room stood up following after she left the boys by themselves.

"i'm sorry man." jack apologized to daniel.

daniel furrowed his eyebrows. "for what?"

"fucking dumbass...that you're gonna lose your girlfriend to cole king." zach said nonchalantly while rubbing his face.

"wha-? of course i'm not gonna lose alaska to cole. why would you say that?"

"because that's the first time we've seen her smile in... like forever! plus it's cole king, all the girls want him." jonah chipped in.

daniel rolled his eyes. "not all the girls. and definitely not alaska, she's perfectly happy with our relationship."

jack's mouth dropped open, a chip halfway to his mouth. "you're...kidding right?" he asked, the chip starting to crack from the grip he had on it.


" barely hang out with her anymore."

"that's not true jack." daniel said getting defensive.

"yes, it is. you were supposed to hang out with her last night and she told me you never showed up, and she came to melanie and i and stayed here over the night."

"wha-" ' that's what I forgot.' "well that's just one time." daniel grumbled.

"no, you did the same thing last week. she was waiting at boa for nearly three hours for you, and what about three weeks ago when you two made plans to see some movie that she had to watch by herself, and what abou-" corbyn butted in making the point the guys were making even more true.

"alright." daniel groaned. "i get it. but i dunno, i guess i just feel that since the whole quarantine shit started, she had gotten a little clingy, and i honestly just needed some space. so yeah, maybe i should try a little harder now but we've been really busy right now, besides i know alaska, and i'd think i'd know if she was that unhappy with our relationship. and she was just hanging out with cole, she's not gonna leave me."

the boys sighed, shaking their heads. "whatever you say."

hey chicken nuggets <3

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