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when daniel had come back to jack's house he didn't have much of an appetite so he didn't grab any lunch and instead, once again, buried his head into his arms on the table.

not too long after, he did feel elise sit down across from him. "hey man." she greeted nervously. "are you okay, you haven't returned any of my texts?"

daniel looked up, resting his chin on his arms now, elise's eyes widening at his appearance. " 'm not okay." he groaned.

"w-what happened?" lori asked with furrowed eyebrows, sitting with elise. "you just ran out on friday without telling me anything."

"it's alaska." he mumbled again.

elise and lori's face softened, picking up on how he used her nickname, something he hadn't done in a while. " miss her now." she said, putting the pieces together.

the three of them jumped when jonah plopped himself down next to elise, and for the first time in weeks daniel was aware of how empty the seat next to him was.

"alright." he started. "i normally care about other people's emotions and blah blah blah, but since this has to do with my best friend, i want you to tell me everything. so what the fuck happened?"

"i-i-i-" daniel choked, thrown off my jonah's aggressiveness.

"jo." elise said softly, "maybe you should go easy on him."

jonah bit his lip, and sighed. "fine... just what happened between friday and now, that you love her all of a sudden?" he said in the gentlest voice he could muster.

daniel sat up and sighed, staring down at the table. "cole asked her out... and she said yes." he almost whispered. "a-and i saw her k-kiss him."

everyone in the room raised an eyebrow, "and what-? you have it in your head that she's still yours? she's not allowed to be happy with anyone else?" jordan spoke up.

"nooooo." daniel whined out, "i just- i realized i'm - i'm still in love with her."

"why did you push her away then?" jack asked.

daniel felt on the verge of tears again with that question. "...i-i don't know, i messed up. i shouldn't have ignored her... i-i thought back on it and- and she really was miserable. i wish i-i could take it all back... i just love her so much."

zach scoffed. "well it's a shitty time to realize that."

"trust me... i know."

corbyn shook his head in disbelief at the entire situation.
"god...i'm so disappointed." he said, his voice becoming more genuine and gentle. "i really wished you realized sooner. she loved you so much... i can't even begin to tell you how many times she's called me, in tears about you."

"r-really?" corbyn nodded and daniel felt a few tears run down his cheeks and he quickly wiped them away. "i-i heard cole posted about her on snapchat?"

melanie frowned. "oh yeah..."

"do you have him on snapchat?" daniel and zach asked.

"y-yeah.. but i don't think it's such a good idea to look at them..." melanie trailed off.

"i don't care, give me your phone." daniel said, making melanie pull out her phone and open up the app before handing it to him.

daniel quickly tapped on cole's snapchat.

he tapped through videos and pictures of alaska, in all of them you were smiling brightly and laughing. daniel felt ten times worse now. one particular video that hit home with him was a video of alaska with a pile of her comics (most of which daniel had given her) in front of her and she was in the middle of one of her rants and the caption read, "nerd❤️".

everyone watched with wide eyes as daniel crumbled into a sobbing mess. shoulders shaking and tears rolling down his cheeks. zach took a glance around seeing how daniel was drawing attention. "um, daniel... you're kinda making a scene."

daniel dropped the phone onto the table. "i-i don't care." he cried. "i-i just want m-my s-sunshine b-back."

lori scoffed. "why? so you can treat her like shit again."

she said making daniel cry louder now.

"lori." jack hissed.

she shrugged. "i'm sorry. but you know i'm right." she looked at daniel. "i know i don't say it often but i do care about you, but i also care about alaska. and i'm sorry but it's really hard to sympathize for you after what you did to her. quite frankly, i think you deserve this."

"i-i know i d-do....i-i hurt her." he buried his face back into his arms and everyone watched as his shoulders shook with each sob.

jordan sighed impatiently, glancing around seeing everyone shamelessly staring now. "alright, stop crying. are you're an ugly crier." she mumbled with a little laugh.

"maybe you just have to look on the bright side?" jonah offered.

"there is no bright side." daniel groaned into his arms. "she was it." he lifted his head up again, which proved to be a mistake, because just then he saw, outside the window, alaska and cole holding hands as they both walked around in their own conversation, and he could feel the jealousy rise in the back of his throat.

"now i'm curious." lori started, pulling daniel from his thoughts. "what's the bright side." she asked jonah.

"well, i was thinking the bright side might be that she isn't over daniel."

"w-wait, what? when did she say that?" daniel asked.

"couple of days ago, before cole asked her out."

"wait- does that-" daniel's eyebrows furrowed, as the tiniest bit of hope trickled into his veins. "does that mean i can fix it?" he asked jonah hopefully.

"i mean- maybe-"

"no." elise cut off jonah sharply. "absolutely not."

"but i-if she still likes me, maybe i-"

"would screw everything even more if you tried to fix it now." elise rolled her eyes. "she's trying to move on and she just started dating cole , you can't fix it daniel."

he frowned. daniel couldn't see elise's reasoning. if alaska just started going out with cole but she still wasn't over him then he could make up with her before anything more serious happens between her and cole. he could fix everything, tell you how sorry he was and treat her the way he should've been treating her all along. he could go back to marathoning her favorite tv shows and movies and listening to her adorable passionate rants, and she could go back to helping him build legos and modeling for his pictures.

"no..i can fix it." he muttered, fully convinced. "i'm gonna talk to her."

"daniel." melanie said in a warning tone. "don't be stupid."

"i have to." daniel said with a slight urgency in his tone as he looked at melanie. "she's my girlfriend-"

"no she isn't." lori snapped. "if she was, we wouldn't be having this conversation. you need to try and move on too, and maybe once the two of you are over this break up we can all go back to being friends and live happily ever after or whatever. but trust me, trying to make up with her now is only going to make things worse."

daniel fell silent. 'no.' he thought to himself. 'she's wrong.' but he kept his mouth shut and just nodded.

he knew he wasn't ready to move on, he didn't want to. and as long as alaska still liked him he had a chance.

he had to win her back.

what do you think daniel should do?
and also double update because ily guys ❤️

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