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alaska hated that the moment she stepped out of daniel's apartment, she started crying.

she just- she didn't know how much giving his things back would actually hurt.

but fuck.

that really fucking sucked.

there was a lot to unpack from that scene.

daniel's heartbroken face, his awkward demeanor, the fact that her blanket was on his bed and that he "lost" her hoodie, and that fucking question he had to go ahead and ask.

"when did you stop calling me pretty boy?"

and that just made her cry harder.

he used to be her. he was her pretty boy.

but now he was just daniel seavey. the same daniel seavey that broke her heart and didn't realize what he lost until after she got another boyfriend.

the entire walk home she cried her eyes out, especially once she realized that her relationship with him really was over now, since she returned his stuff.

that should have made her relieved, but ahe guessed he really would always have a part of her heart.

once she reached her home she had gone straight to her bedroom and cried some more.


eventually weeks had passed. and she kind of relapsed in the whole getting over daniel thing.

she just couldn't get him out of her head now, and that stupid heartbroken face of his.

but of course nobody knew, because she had to go ahead and get a boyfriend. a boyfriend she were starting to realize didn't make her as happy as he first did.

returning daniel's things did more than just make her feel like she relapsed in her efforts in moving on.

as the weeks passed and her mood worsened, it put a strain on her and cole's relationship.

she was always in her head, and every little thing cole did just started to get on her nerves.

she noticed how he started monopolizing every single one of her conversations and how he dragged her around everywhere he wanted to go.

and it just wasn't fun anymore.

so that, mixed with her screwed up feelings over daniel took a major toll on her. she was angry and depressed, she snapped at lori and elise over and over again and it was pushing them away, because they started sitting with her less and less, when she was with cole.

she didn't know what to do anymore.

alaska felt... lost.

but she'd deal with it, cause she had to.

so she ended up using cole as a distraction to forget about how heartbroken she still was, even if she felt like she was two seconds from having a breakdown.

daniel on the other hand had been doing much better. he obviously wasn't over alaska so whenever he thought of that he did get sad, but he tried to stay hopeful because for the past few weeks he had been talking to christian a lot about what happened during quarantine, and coming up with different ideas to try and win alaskaback.

whether it be as his girlfriend or friend was up to her, but he just wanted her back in his life again.

his only problem, however, was that he had absolutely no idea how he'd be able to get her to hear him out.

ignoring the little interaction at his place when she returned his things, neither of them had even spoken to one another in such a long time. and he didn't even know if she wanted to talk to him again. she seemed civil when she dropped his things off, but for all he knew, she was still really fucking mad at him.

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