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alaska tapped her foot against the pavement outside. she completely forgot about daniel's recordings, and with everything that happened over the weekend there was no way she could focus on what the girls were talking about- especially with daniel few feet away from her in the booth where he sang.

she felt her heart explode as she noticed those little things about him, and it felt like the first time she was looking at him.

like how some of his messy had loosened and rested on his forehead. that little furrow between his eyebrows as he concentrated on the beat he made, his tongue poking between his lips, and how he filled in everyone with advice when he could because he knew mostly everything he said was true.

she couldn't believe how drastically her emotions changed. the only thing she could compare it to was that he knocked down the dam and a flood ensued-

and it felt good.

she only looked away when he stood up to hear how he sounded in the booth, completely missing the way daniel stopped and looked at you her he could've sworn he just caught her staring at him.

and the thought made his chest feel all warm and fuzzy.

unfortunately, she now realized how far behind alaska was in the conversation she was in.


"o-oh sorry what did you say?"

"what do you think about going out to dinner? all of us?"

alaska furiously nodded with a big glowing smile.

daniel saw alaska's smile as he grabbed as he grabbed his backpack and swung it over his shoulder and went to get some dog treats he wanted to get for kobe.

he had opened his car door when he felt someone behind him.

"you seavey," cole suddenly came up, slamming daniel's car door shut on him.

daniel turned to him frantically, eyes wide, "w-what-?"

"don't'what' me," cole snapped, "you know what you did."

daniel bit his lip, having a feeling he knew what this was about, "is this about ala-?"

"alaska?" he finished for him, "cause yeah, it is."

daniel glanced around, seeing that some of his the boys were coming out of the house and starting to stare. "maybe we shouldn't do this here."

"why not? you think you could just steal my girlfriend from me?"

"woah okay, slow down- steal?"

"stop playing stupid, you already know she broke up with me."

daniel's eyes widened, "she-she did?" he asked, his heart rate speeding up at what that must've meant.

"yeah she did, because you stole her from me!" cole was getting more and more pissed.

daniel furrowed his eyebrows, "i stole her from you? are we just gonna gloss over the fact that you convinced her to break up with me?"

"yo holy shit!" jack suddenly yelled, pulling out his phone, "cole is gonna kill daniel!"

danie and cole ignored him and the small small group that was in jack's house was now surrounding them, "oh please, like that was such a big deal at the time," he rolled his eyes, "she was gonna break up with you anyway."

"yeah probably, that didn't mean you could just swoop in and ask her out. she was vulnerable and just had her heart broken. what kind of guy takes advantage of that?"

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