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for the last four years of the band daniel had taken up photography and videoing almost everything he did and everyone he was with, and he always downloaded them onto his computer.

there were countless videos of alaska and him saved onto his computer and laptop.

daniel scrambled up in his bed and pushed the blanket down around his waist. he reached over the side of his bed for the laptop, and he put it down in front of him, opening it up.

his fingers flew across the keyboard as he pulled up the videos, and he could already see a variety of videos with alaska as the thumbnail and reached into his nightstand drawer for his ear buds, fumbling with them as he plugged them into the laptop and stuck the buds into his ears.

he quickly clicked the first video, the thumbnail being a lego death star with alaska's head poking out from behind it.

daniel bent his knees and wrapped his arms around them as he watched the video begin to play.

alaska and jack both came into frame, a pile of legos in front of the two of them, all three of them being at the old house at the time.

alaska groaned, 'why do legos hurt your fingers so much?' she said, shaking out her hand, tired from putting the pieces together.

jack shrugged, 'you can take a break if you want.'

'nah.' alaska sighed. 'it's too much fun, look at this thing.' she held up the piece of the deathstar she had been working on. 'i have no idea what this is supposed to be, but it looks cool!' she giggled.

alaska suddenly had noticed the camera as she looked over at daniel. 'daniiiiii,' she whined out. 'stop doing that all the time.'

daniel laughed. 'i can't help it, you're too pretty not to film.' she visibly blushed, and shook her head.

jack groaned, 'c'mon guys, you promised you wouldn't be all mushy around me.'

daniel laughed, 'i can't help it, we're in love~' he singsonged.

a broken laugh akin to a cry, left daniel's lips as he clicked out of the video. he liked it of course, but that wasn't one of the one's he had in mind. there were other videos of more intimate moments just between the two of them.

he scrolled through the thumbnails of videos when he spotted one he remembered all too well. the cover was of him laying down, alaska wasn't in it, yet the fact she was straddling his lap and holding the camera above him.

daniel quickly clicked the video.

'stopppp.' daniel whined. 'give it back.' he said, reaching for the camera. alaska giggled holding it up higher.

'no, you video me all the time, i'm just returning the favor.' her hand came into view, pressing down on his chest so he was laying flat against the bed.

daniel rolled his eyes but complied. 'fine, what's the video about then?' he asked teasingly.

alaska hummed. "hmm, 'bout... how pretty my boyfriend is.'

daniel rolled his eyes. 'i'm not pretty.'

alaska gasped in fake offense. 'yes you are, you're the prettiest boyfriend ever.' she giggled. 'you're my pretty boy.'

daniel laughed. 'your what?'

'my pretty boy.' alaska chirped again. she moved up, straddling his waist now. 'you got pretty brown hair.' she hummed, her hand raking through messy blonde hair. 'and pretty blue eyes.'

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