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after lunch alaska was a bit distracted for the rest of the day. she couldn't get daniel's tear stained face out of her head and it was beginning to drive her insane. she was supposed to be done with him and his drama. she was done. she had cole now, a guy who's been nothing but kind and sweet to her, a guy who's been there to help her throughout her entire break up, and she'd be damned if she screwed up something so nice just because she was worried about her ex.

and by the time she and cole reached his car, cole had to leave because of a possible admissions meeting, leaving alaska having to go inside, seeing daniel's car still in the driveway. with a deep breath alaska went in, she couldn't help but feel his lingering gaze on her the entire time and she was about ready to rip her hair out.

she kept her head turned away from him, pretending to listen to jordan's admiration for corbyn. until jordan had said something.

"i'm gonna do it, i'm gonna ask corbyn out. can you ask daniel to help me? i'm a little nervous." jordan asked with hope, in getting alaska to at least talk to daniel. jordan liked corbyn a lot, but she didn't want to ruin a friendship when it was the best thing she has had in a long time.

alaska's heart plummeted. she almost forgot, since it's once in a great while when someone in their group asked someone out, of course the people that would be in charge would be her and daniel.

she closed her eyes and sighed. 'the day is never gonna end is it.'

reluctantly, she pulled herself out of her seat, maneuvering around her friends to find daniel and sit next to him, who was already sitting at the table with his eyes glued on her.

"h-hi..." he stuttered, which her returned with a curt nod, settling down in her seat, daniel giving her an awkward smile, making her heart flutter, she returned his awkward smile with a tight lipped one.

daniel picked up on the fact she didn't want to talk to him, so he looked down at his hand, slowly picking at his nails. however his eyes kept trailing off, landing on alaska, and observing her like it was the first time he ever saw her.

he saw how her tongue poked through her lip like it always did when she was concentrating, and he just wanted to push back the strands of hair that fell in her face. but he couldn't do that anymore. he couldn't believe, as he admired her, how he was actually able to ignore her for so long. she was absolutely gorgeous, which was something he's always thought, but he was never able to fully grasp it, and it killed him to think how sad she'd been lately, to think about her beautiful face screwed up in tears made him so angry with himself.

but he could fix it.

"how was your day." he suddenly blurted out, the words rushed.

alaska slowly looked up at him, with furrowed eyebrows. "...what?" she asked slowly.

"i-" daniel choked up now. "um..h-how was your day?" he asked again, unsure of himself.

'what the fuck is he on.' she thought to herald. rage and annoyance bubbled in the pit of her stomach. why the fuck should he care now.

"i thought i told you not to talk to me anymore." her words laced with annoyance. was it mean? yes. but she wasn't in the mood to care about how he felt.

"s-sorry." he practically squeaked, making her roll her eyes and turn back to her hands, already forgetting what jordan wanted her to ask daniel.

it stayed silent for about five minutes, before her annoyance kept on increasing as he still kept looking up at her.

alaska slammed her hand down, making daniel jump and snap his head up at her. "alright, what's your deal seavey? why are you acting so weird."

his mouth fell open and shut a couple time. "i-i-..." he trailed off.

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