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daniel fell silent again in thought, the hopeless romantic in him feeling a bit of hope at the thought of fighting for the girl he loved. it would be hard, and it wasn't something that would work overnight but if it won alaska back... then it'd be worth it. it was true he fucked up, and no one knew that better than him right now, but he also knew if he had a second chance he'd do everything right this time. losing alaska had been one of the worst experiences he's gone through. he was still deeply in love with her, and if it didn't work...he would respect her decision, and finally move on. but if it did, then everything could go back to the way it was before quarantine.

"alright." daniel jumped to his feet. "i'm gonna fight for her. do you mind if i bounce some ideas off you?" he asked jordan who was on the phone talking to him.

"not at all."

"thanks... i need to clear my mind though, so we're gonna go for a drive around the city." he said, now in a slightly better mood, even feeling a little bit of excitement as he started to come up with ideas and plans on how to win alaska back.

and with that, he ran to his car, planning on staying out for a few more hours.

alaska ran a hand through her hair, watching as jomah was cleaning up the glass from her desk. she was sitting beside cole on top of her bed.

"so how did it break again?" jonah asked as he stood behind her mom, trying to get a look of the window frame.

alaska shrugged. "there's a rock in my room, i think someone threw it at the window."

jonah frowned and sighed. "thats weird."

"at least neither of us got hurt." cole said, making alaska mom purse her lips, not responding.

alaska placed a hand on his knee and gave him an apologetic smile.

neither alaska's mother, christine, was never a fan of cole. she clearly preferred and trusted daniel more and having this sudden change of alaska bringing home a different boy. but then again they didn't really know what the last few months with daniel had been like.

jonah sighed, "i guess i'll call someone and have them replace the window while the guys and i are in the studio."

she hummed. "alright."

she hadn't noticed cole staring at something in her room, until he tapped alaska's and asked. "what's that?" she looked in the direction he was pointing in and spotted the box labeled 'daniel' in the corner of her room.

"oh, that's just all of daniel's things." she shrugged. "took me a while to find everything he's left, i need to give it back sometime." she huffed, it's been over a month since the two of them broke up, but it still weighed heavy on her heart.

"oh daniel." christine suddenly said. "i miss him." she said sadly, and alaska could see cole was beginning to feel awakward again.

"yeah." jonah agreed. "good guy."

alaska rolled her eyes. "whatever jonah." alaska groaned.

cole's phone suddenly vibrated and he quickly picked up, finding it as something to distract him from the situation. he let out a quiet groan, "i gotta get home. by brother just texted me."

alaska pouted, "all right, i'll see you tomorrow." she said, leaning up to kiss his cheek before he got up.

"bye." he hummed back. "um have a good night christine and alaska's cousin jonah marais." he said with a sarcastic tone, earning a grunt from jonah and an absentminded 'bye' from christine.

once cole had left alaska flopped back on her bed. "do you guys have to be so curt with him." she groaned.

"we just don't know him very well yet." christine said.
"and we miss daniel, he's such a sweetheart."

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