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"shes moving on though and you're just gonna hurt yourself more if you don't start to try. she already told you she didn't want to get back together." zach said referring to the conversation that daniel and alaska had in jack's backyard, daniel had told him and everyone about it the next day at lunch.

daniel pushed his lunch tray away and put his arms on the table, resting his chin on top of them as he looked up at his best friends now. he shrugged. "but what if she changes her mind." daniel mumbled.

"but what if she doesn't?"

daniel fell silent, and instead asked another question. "do you know when she stopped calling me pretty boy?" that had been one of the questions that were gnawing at the back of his mind, but most of all he wanted to know why he didn't notice.

corbyn frowned, "i don't know... just that it was a long time ago." daniel fell silent again, making jack decide to change the subject. "c'mon let's go to boa tonight and stuff our faces with steak." he said. daniel nodded, and band left the park, with daniel throwing another glance at alaska.

daniel got through the rest of the day, feeling out of it as usual. he was thankful when the last recording was doen, he was finally able to go home. he was at jonah's car, he rarely driving by his own anymore due to memories with alaska in that car, when his plans for the night suddenly changed.

he saw alaska and cole walking down the sidewalk, hand in hand, as they both headed towards the nearby park, usually the two of them never left together, since they took different ways home after lunch with each other, and now out of sheer curiosity about what the two of them were up to, daniel wanted to follow.

"i'll see you tomorrow jo." he quickly rushed as he made his way down the sidewalk, hearing jonah mutter something back in response.

daniel kept a lot of distance between them as he followed them outside, and once the three of them made it farther away from jack's and it was clear that the two of them were headed towards alaska's house, daniel quickly ran into an alleyway and took the back way to alaska's home.

again, he knew how wrong this was but all the common sense in the world right couldn't stop him from wanting to know how cole treated her when it was just the two of them.

daniel only had to wait about 15 minutes before he saw her bedroom door being pushed open, through her window, from where he layed on the edge of the hidden branch. "wait, please don't tell me you guys are going to what i hope you guys never do..." daniel whispered to himsel.

alaska walked in, cole following close behind and closing the door once they were both inside. he dropped his backpack off by the door, while alaska put it by her desk where she usually left her bag. cole walked over to her bed and fell on top of it in a starfish pose, while she sat down at her desk. the space between the two of them put daniel's pounding heart at ease and helped him swallow back some of his jealousy. it was clear the two of them were speaking to one another but he couldn't make out the words the two of them were saying.

daniel moved closer when alaska opened her window for fresh air, and suddenly he could hear both alaska and cole's voices loud and clear, and her giggles suddenly floated through his ears.

"i think you have a couple fans." she giggled, looking at cole from her spot at her desk.

cole raised an eyebrow at her. "care to explain what you mean?"

"a couple of girl's came up to me today and started asking questions about you."

cole started laughing along with her. "really? like what?"

"they asked if you were nice, and i told them yes. then they asked how smart you were, and i told them very." she smirked at him. "then they decided to get a little personal and asked if you were a good kisser."

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