Chapter 4 ~ Snow fights

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It took us half an hour to get to the park considering the road hassards and traffic of all the stressed parents wanting to get home, but we eventually got there, and boy was it worth it. There was no green in sight. Just pure whiteness. It was magical. A true wonderland. I couldnt think of anything more beautiful even if I tried.

I suddenly knocked out of my daydream, with something hard. I looked around to see Cassie and Harry laughing their butts off in the cold snow with snow ball piles next to their feet. Oh, they want to play this game? Its on!

I started making a big forte to protect myself so they wouldnt be able to get me so easy. They stopped what they were doing when they realised what I was doing and started doing the same. I started throwing snowballs after my forte was finished and ready for action. My aim was almost perfect since I used to play GS for Netball 2 years ago, strength was still a little rusty though. Just when I took my focus off them to make another pile of snowballs, one hit me hard in the head. Almost enough to knock me out. But when it hit me, I had a perfect scheme to get them back. I lay myself on the ground and tried my very best to stay still.

"Uh-Oh." I heard Cassie say with concern in her voice. They both ran over the see if I was ok.

"Is she ok?" Cass asked as if she was about to cry. She always hates to see me hurt.

"Shes still breathing which is a good thing." Harry said, his voice now shaky. Why is he so worried, we've known each other for less then a day. I decided to get my scheme on the road.

I slowly started to open my eyes, as dramatic as I could, hoping it to look as if it were off one of those drama's where the person is waking up from a coma.

"What happened? Where am I?" I muttered, trying my best not to laugh my ass off in the process.

"You got hit by a snow ball, we're at the park." Harry said in a soft, comforting tone.

I pretended to slip back out of conciousness. "Take.... Me.... Home......... Please" I murmured. I felt a pair of strong arms lift my whole body weight off the ground with ease. I guess that was an easy way of finding out how strong he was.

When we got into car the car I could feel concern in the air. As if I could literally breath it in and know instantly, without even looking at the person, that they were concerned about something. Harry let out a big breath before putting the key in the ignition and turing the car on. He started to turn out of the car park. I could feel his gaze on me every now and then.

"You know if you keep looking at me while your driving you could cause a crash." I said quite confidently, as if nothing had ever happened.

"I know I'm just concerned about yo- Wait a second." He said pulling into the nearest car park. We had been driving for 5 minutes and every minute I could feel Harry look at me with concern in his eyes. "I thought you were..." He spoke with confusion.

"Gotcha!" I said pointing my fingers in the air and laughing with success. "Can we go get a coffee?" I asked after I finished my victory dance.

"You know you scared the living day-lights out of me." He said a-matter-of-factly. I searched his eyes for any sign of lying, but found nothing but fear and concern.

"Why were you so worried about me?" I asked, me now being the concerned one. Why was he so worried about me being hurt. It was only a snow ball. Wasnt like it was a cannon ball being shot out of a cannon.

"Uh-Because-well.... I couldnt just leave you there." He hestitated to find a way out of the situation. "Lets go get some coffee" He said excitedly, trying to break the silence that had accured.

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