Chapter 27~ Acting up

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Unknown POV

Today was the school formal and every single person was going to be there and watch me as I gladly take the crown of Prom queen, along with my Prom king, Harry.

I am determined to have him for my own, he will be mine. MINE!

I walked up the red carpet with my light pink, flowy dress bouncing along with me. I stopped in the middle of the carpet, posing for the paparazzi and answered some irrelevant questions the people behind the red velvet rope were asking.

I was having a blast, taking pictures and answering questions when one question asked though, made me scowl in disgust and walk off into the building.

'Do you know when Kodie and Harry get here?' The guy asked.

Ugh the nerve of some people.


Kodie's POV

'Ok where the hell is Harry?' I thought to myself.

We were now finished taking pictures together and had been ushered by the boys to a big table with 10 seats.

I took the time to take in my surroundings and after a minute or two of just that, I had finally realised what this was.

"Guys... Is this the school prom?" I asked. My heart starting to race.

I looked around the table, my eyes landing on Eleanor and Lou. Lou looking around, trying to find a distraction. Eleanor looking back at me, a smirk playing at her lips.

"OMG I SO WANT TO BE PROM QUEEN!" I heard Savannah squeal from next to Zayn. Ever since we left school and went shopping she's been acting really weird and wieny. She's been acting iffy around Zayn aswell. What's going on? Well whatever it is I'm going to find out.

"Savannah, come to the toilet with me!" I squealed in a believably excited voice.

"Ok!" She said getting up from the seat she was on, and followed me over to the bathrooms.

We walked through the crowd of dancing, and gossiping girls until we finally reached the girls toilets. I stopped suddenly and pulled Savannah back.

"What's wrong I thought you needed to go toilet." She asked, a little hint if concern in her voice.

"No. The real question is what's wrong with you." I said, facing her. Ok I guess I could've said that a little less harsh.

She looked hurt, but it was soon replaced with confusion. "I don't know what your talking about."

"Oh save it Savannah. Ever since after school you've been acting all weird. Your voice has gotten whiny and your way more clingy to Zayn as if your scared out if your wits that your going to lose him." I stated.

She stood there shocked, until a shoot of realisation came over her face. I noticed her eyes started to water and I didn't know what I do now. Do I comfort her? Do I demand what's wrong? I've never really been in the situation before.

"Savannah. Seriously, what's going on?" I asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I just don't want to lose him." She said between sniffles.

"You wont, unless you've done something bad." I said pulling her into a comforting hug.


Savannah's POV

She dragged me over here to the girls toilets, not to go toilet but to confront me of my behaviour after we left school?

Shit. How am I supposed to tell her this. It's going to ruin my whole relationship with Zayn. He's going to hate me forever.

"That's the thing. Id lose everything if he knew. I would lose h im on the spot if he knew what I've done." I said, hot tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Well whatever it is your going to have to sort it with Zayn, or I'll find out myself. I'm not going to let you hurt Zayn. I love you both. Now go, take my makeup, fix yourself up and i'll be back at the table waiting." She said. She handed me her small clutch if travel makeup and walked off, speedily back to the gang.

I really need to tell Zayn. I can't hurt him even more and the guilt is just killing me. It's like burning me from the inside out. I can't believe I did it. And with him?!

I walked into the bathroom and walked straight to the mirrors.

I opened the clutch that I had been gripped tightly and searched through the makeup.

After a long time I finally found what I needed. I pulled the concealer out and started dabbing some under my eyes. 

"Have you done it yet?" I heard someone say. I whipped my head around to see Paris standing behind me.


I didn't want to say anything, so I simply nodded. How could I let her manipulate me like this? I'm so weak.

"Good. You don't want your little red head getting hurt again would you?" She said, taking small steps in a forward motion in an attempt to scare me.

"Last time I checked, your the one that got hurt Paris. The first time you tried hurting her, you ended up getting a broken nose and a chunk of your hair out. It's still growing out." I said, feeling my blood boil.

"Yeah, but you do remember the baseball bat incident don't you?"

"Oh yeah. I heard about that. You and your little posse got pelted with paintball guns. Didn't think I knew about that did you?" I retorted. Did she think I didnt know about her failed attempt of hurting Kodie?

"Just watch yourself Sav. You don't know what's coming for you if you don't break that boys heart and take what's rightfully mine." She said, her hand on her hip, looking like her snobby, conceited self.

"Why me?" I asked, my voice coming out barely a whisper. I was leaning over the basin of the bathroom, feeling extremely light headed.

"Excuse me?" She said, leaning her head forward trying to hear me clearer.

"Why me." I said through gritted teeth, holding back the agitation and violence surging through my veins.

I was using every bit of my strength to stop myself from ripping her fake face off.

"Because. Your the one least expected. Your the most vulnerable. It's the perfect plot for my revenge." She said. She blew a sweet kiss my way before heading back out of the bathroom and into the crowd of teenage boys and girls.


I'm sorry I'm so late with this but I've been super busy and super depressed, I just haven't been in the mood for writing :( I just don't feel like anyone is reading it and I just don't see the point in continuing if no ones reading it. Please let me know if I should continue or not. If not then ill stop.

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