Chapter 14~ The video

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A/N Ok so the last chapter wasnt all that long but ive been really busy lately moving my room. Had to move my bed that ways a tonne, upstairs all by my self. Yeah. Was a mish but I got there in the end.

Im sooo sorry its taken so long to upload! Im sorry. Im sorry. Im sorry. Im sorry.

Its taken so long to write this!! Im sorry!!

Heres the next chapter lovelies <3 


Kodie's POV

The boys offered to helped clean up my room when our little sleep over had finished, Harry seemed a little on edge after we told him about who had done it. He seemed fine before it all. I turned my Tv onto Mtv music and listened to that as we cleaned the mess that blonde b*tch left behind. 

I managed to get my necklace back that she had stolen. Yeah. Some people may think. 'Its just a necklace. You could just go to the shop and get another one.' Well no actually. I cant just go to the shops and replace th necklace I had specially made, with my mothers ashes mixed into the metal and more being held in by a small glass wall. So no. I cant just go and replace it. That necklace means everything to me. Im not myself without it. 

Niall stopped in his spot when the song changed on the tv and raced over to me. whisering something into my ear. I freeze in my spot. I had been so caught up in the mess I had made in my life, and crying on the boys shoulders over it all I forgot to watch the video. I ran to my closet and kneeled down unlocking the safe I had down there. I grabbed the small box and rummaged through the cd cases looking for the cd that matched with the date it was today. 

I grabbed it and placed the cd gently into the DVD player. I sat on the floor, at the end of my bed watching up at the tv, waiting for the now 23rd video my mother had made for me. 

Hey darling.

I heard the beautiful voice of my mother say into the camera.

Its been a long time now. Too long. I hope everythings going good.

The care and worry in her voice made my lip tremble, threatening to shed a few tears. But I held on to my strength as much as I could.

I know your now living in Cheshire with your father, Rach and your baby sister. I hope your taking care of Cass. She needs you. A lot. More then you could ever imagine.

I couldnt help bit sniffle at the thought of losing my little sister. Even though we're only half related. She means the world to me.

I know you werent doing so well at school back in New Zealand but I hope your doing your best at school there. I know I've said this before but your special. Your different. And its ok to be different. Dont ever do what your haters want, they want you to cry but you smile, be happy and prove them losers. If they dont want you to sing, you go sing your little heart out. I know you've been singing your little heart out ever since you were a wee one. And even then your voice was like an angel. Keep singing hun. Even though you have stage fright, keep singing. No matter what the haters say. Im sure your an amazing singer and your doing me proud. I know your going to be famous in the future Just dont forget me hun. I must go babe. I love you. There was not a second of the day that I didnt think of you when I was in the hopsital. And Im thinking of you up here. I love you. No matter what.

I sat there, letting the screen go blank. And finally giving into the tears that were trying so hard to escape from my tear ducts during the video.

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