01: Mysterious girl

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Cadence's POV

"Are you alright?" Emily asks me, "you're really pale, are you sick?" I shut my locker door, holding my art binder in my hands.

"Sick to my stomach in nervousness, worriedness, anticipation," I reply letting out a sigh, "I didn't even get a wink of sleep last night."

"I'm sure everything will be fine, but it's not too late to change your mind," Emily says. I don't reply to her last comment. We walk side by side to our first class, Art. I realize I was getting stares and whispers about me behind my back. Basically everyone in school knew what happened, which just made life ten times easier!

Note the sarcasm.

My biggest fear right now was, what will Sharleen, Jack and Carter do. Will they let us be? Will they take this as an advantage to ruining my life? Of course they will...

We walk into the classroom, my hands shaking slightly. We take a seat at one of the tables in the back of the room, where Grace was waiting. The tardy bell rings, causing everyone to settle down into there chairs. I pull out my art book and flip through the pages until I land on my unfinished picture of a guy playing guitar and a girl listening. That guy was Shawn. The girl was me.

Our art teacher lets us continue working on our sketchbooks, when there's a soft knock at the door. My stomach flips and I freeze.

I try to keep my eyes away from the door, but my gaze kept wandering in that direction. Mr.Schmitt gets up to answer the door, I feel my palms get sweaty in nervousness. Here he is...

Then Mr.Schmitt opens the door. I let out a sigh of relief and slight stupidity when I realize it's just Aaron, Riley and Clay, who were late. I mentally face palm myself, I got all worked up for nothing... They walk over and take a seat at our table. We all chat quietly.

Art went by slowly, each time there was someone at the door, I'd have a mini heart attack thinking it was Shawn, but he never came. Yet. When the bell rings we all gather our books and walk out of the classroom. Emily and I walk to our lockers. Next class was Science. Yay.

Once again, sarcasm.

I had this class without Emily, but it was with Clay and Riley. As well as Carter and Jack. Science wasn't all that bad now a days, our class was separated into groups, I was with Riley and Clay. So in each class they'd do something funny, or in other words stupid, making me laugh. As I walk to class I was met halfway by Riley and Clay so we all walk together, joking around. We walk into the classroom as soon as the tardy bell rings.

Everyone's assigned a room in the school to work in, so we go to the science lab. I would be lying if I said we were working hard. Cause for half of the class we were fooling around. What do you expect?! Currently Clay was chucking pencils at Riley, as he tried to disable his phone. I finally managed to gain some responsibility and started working. Once I started trying to focus, my mind instantly thinks about Shawn.

Wasn't he supposed to come to school today? Is he sick? I-Is he... I shake my head, of course he's not. "Cadence we need poster paper!" Clay demands, dodging Riley as he lunges for his phone.

"Will I be able to leave you two alone for five minutes with out you two burning down the building?" I ask, a hint of amusement in my voice.

"Of course you can trust us!" Riley exclaims, while he throws Clay in a head lock.

I laugh, "Ok then!" I say and walk out of the room. I walk down the hall until I reach the science class room. "Mrs.O," I say, getting her attention "can I have the keys to the art room, our group needs poster board."

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