16: Matthew's Mistake

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(on the side is Cadences outfit)

I wake up the next morning with a small headache. I start to remember what happened yesterday.

After we filmed the video I led Shawn downstairs to the kitchen.

"Are you thirsty?" I ask, he nods, "what do you want?"

"Waters fine thanks," I pour a glass of water and hand it to him. I pour myself a glass as well. I stare at the liquid in my glass and thoughts appear in my head.

The squad is hanging out tomorow, does that mean Shawn's coming too?

"What's up?" He asks, "you seem in deep thought."

"Um," I start, "so me and my friends are hanging out sometime tomorow, I was wondering if you'd want to tag along?"

"So, you want me to hang with you and your girl friends?" He asks, I stifle a giggle.

"No, like me, Cameron, Matt, the Jacks, Emily, Grace, Aaron, Riley and Clay," I answer.

"Ohhhhh," he says, I laugh again, "yeah sure, when and where."

"I'm not to sure what we're doing but I'll text ya," I answer, he nods.

Today was Saturday, today we hang out. I'm not to sure why I invited Shawn. It doesn't sound like a bad idea, or a good one. I sigh and start getting ready for the day. I hop in the shower and quickly wash my hair and myself. After I change into my outfit, dry and comb my hair, I walk out of the washroom to see my mom.

"You're up early for a Saturday," my mom smirks.

I grin, "I'm hanging out with friends today," I reply.

"At 8:00 in the morning?" My mom questions.

I shrug, "I don't actually know when."

There's a little bit of silence as I make myself a piece of toast.

"So, hows Shawn?" She asks, my eyes widen slightly.

"What do you mean?" I ask, "his memory still doesn't exist so..."

"I mean how is he when it comes down to you and him together basically everyday," she asks.

Wait, is she asking if I have feelings for Shawn?

"I already told you I'm doing it to help gain his memory like Dr.Kirby said,"

"You two are friends though right?" She asks.

My memory goes to yesterday when Shawn and I filmed a YouTube video. I remember the look on Shawn's face when I said he was my friend. he was shocked at first, then happy. Really happy.

"I thinks so..."I say.

My mom smiles and looks at the time, "Well I have to go in for work," she says.

"But it's Saturday..." I say with a blank tone.

"I know sweetie but the office is really busy today, you're hanging out with friends today anyway, I'll see you tomorrow though I promise," she says, "bye, love you." She walks outside of the house and I start eating my toast when my phone beeps. I see Cameron started a group text named, Squad.

Let's go to Cora's for breakfast! Then do something fun after!


I know a place we can bowl

Jack G:
That moment when you drop a full glass jar of pickles in the kitchen and it breaks

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