29: Date me? Or Nah?

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"Will you be my girlfriend?" Matthew asks me. I blink a few times. Matthew Epinosa's girlfriend.

I did like him before but that's because Shawn wasn't there... Did I really like him then? Shawn is also gone now, he's gone forever. If we were to date maybe I'd find happiness, I've been searching for it for what seems like forever now. I guess I couldn't find it with Shawn...but maybe with Matthew. But what about Cameron?

I think hard, it's my turn to have happiness, I deserve it, besides all they want is for me to be happy, right?

I remember back to when we went on the hot air balloon ride and remember how I felt. I felt free, happy, cared about!

"Yes," I say, "I will." Matthew beams and pecks me on the lips, making me grin slightly. I hope I made the right choice.

"Thanks Doctor," We turn our gaze to see Shawn walking through the doorway, my eyes widen when I see his injured face.

"Shawn, are you okay?" I ask concerned.

Shawn's P.O.V

My eyes widen when I see Matt and Cadence. She was beautiful before but now I see her on a new way, that since I really know her I see a different beauty. She walks over and gingerly feels my forehead, "You're all cut and bruised up," he points out.

"I'm fine," I reply, she hugs me tightly making my heart burst, "are you okay."

"Yeah," She says, "thank you for saving me..."

"No problem," I reply, hugging her tight, not noticing how much I missed her.

"Did you hear the news Shawn?" Matt interrupts, "Cadence and I are dating."

My eyes widen as I look down at Cadence as she puts on a grin. A fake grin I could see through.

Why would she do this?

Because she wants to be happy, I thought, she was waiting or me for too long.

Some how it made sense. We are both confused, we don't know what to do. She wants to be happy but doesn't know how, Matt just got there first. As for me I was confused towards what to do. I miss Cadence, I remember who she is. I look at Matt, he's been wanting to date her forever, I don't want to ruin it for him.

I'll give them a chance, who knows Cadence might just find her happiness and that's all that matters, right?

"That's great!" I say, Matthew's smile growing, Cadences shrinking, "well I was just dropping by to see how you were so, I'll give you two some space and- yeah." I realized there was a bit of hurt I my voice but I kept walking to the door.

"See ya Shawn," Matthew calls out, I watch as Matt grabs Cadences hand and pulls her into a kiss. My fake smile drops as I watch. Just go Shawn. I mentally sigh and walk away, looking away.(gif) Just go....


I drove home as I sat on my bed, phone in my hand. I was still tempted to call Cadence but I knew I was too late. But I still needed some answers, so I call Cameron.

"Hey Shawn!" He answers.

"Cam, I need to talk with you about something," I say.

"Okay... What is it?"

"I-I remember things," I suddenly realize this was going to be hard to explain, "you know when I got hit by that bus, I lost my memory, I-I got it back."

There is a silent pause.

"A-Are you sure?" He asks, shocked.

"Yes! I remember everything that happened in my life, magcon, my childhood and  everything between me and Cadence!" I answer.

"Who else knows! This is awesome!" He says happily.

"Just you," I say, "I haven't told Cadence, and I don't know when so will."

"Soon?" He asks.

"No," I reply, "I'm still really confused, like why she never told me anything."

I hear him sigh, "Cadence didn't want you to remember her, she felt guilty for all the pain and saddens she caused so she thought it was for the best," he explains, "she thought maybe you tried to commit suiside because of her."

My eyes widen and I thought I was going to drop the phone. It was that bad...

"Shawn?" Cam asks.

"Maybe I shouldn't tell her then..." I say after a long pause.

"Shawn..." Cameron sighs.

"Just not yet, I'm still confused and she is still confused, besides maybe it's for the best 'cause she is dating Matt so if I did tell her it could ruin there relationship," I explain, "she's happy, Matts happy."

"Are you happy?" He asks.

"I'm happy if Cadence is happy," I answer.

"Fine I won't tell anyone else."

"Thanks Cam, I got to go and say hi to my family, if you know what I mean," I say.

"Alright, Goodluck." I hang up and leave my room. Walking into the kitchen I see my mom and Aaliyah.

"Mom," I say walking up to her, she turns around, "remember when I was ten I scored the winning goal for hockey district champs."she nods confused slightly. I turn to Aaliyah, "Remember when you fell into a pool and I jumped in to save you?"

My mom gasps and puts her hands on my cheeks looking up into my eyes, "Shawn?"

"I remember mom, everything," I say with a smile, she sniffles and pulls me into a hug. Aaliyah runs over and joins in.

Jack J's P.O.V

"She was unconscious in the hospital for a long time! You caused my friend to be beat up!" I yell at Sheila.

"I-I'm sorry?" she replies.

"No your not Sheila, enough with the stupid incident act, I'm done, my friends probably all hate me because of you!"

"J-Jack..." She goes to put a hand on my arm, I pull away.

"No, we're done," I storm out of her house feeling guilt.

Everyone is going to hate me, why in he world did I date sheila!

ONE MORE CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Book two is almost done! I've already made the third books cover!

Thank you all for reading, please vote comment an follow!

Luv you lots

Words 1037

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