09: S.M

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(Edit made by me)

Mrs.Mendes talks an the phone for a bit, I wasn't sure who she was talking to but it probably didn't matter. When she hangs up she looks at me, "Cadence, could you do me a favour and go in Shawn's room. In his closet there's a cardboard box that has S.M written on it. Could you get it please?"

"Ya sure, I know where it is," I say an start walking upstairs.

"You do?" she questions, "Shawn wasn't in it was he?"

I'm slightly confused at her remark, "No why? Isn't it just a box of, I don't know, some of his old stuff?"

"No, S.M stands for Shawn's Memories, it's all of his stuff that might bring back memories, Dr.Kirby will explain everything to you," she explains briefly. I nod and briskly walk upstairs to Shawn's room. I open the closet and reach to grab his heavy box. Before I could stop myself, I open in on his bed. I freeze when I see the contents of the box. My eyes threaten to water.

Jack Gilinsky's P.O.V

"What time do you have dance at?" I ask Emily as we cuddle on my couch, watching Finding Nemo.

"Six-thirty," she replies looking over at the clock, "I got ten minutes."

"More like six," I say chuckling, "I'll drive you to the studio, wouldn't want you to be late again because of me."

"Awe," She smiles, "how sweet." I grin as we get up. I turn off the TV and we head out. I drive Em to her dance studio. At a red light I look at her and smile. I'm such a lucky guy. When she catches me staring she smiles. I return the gesture. When I drop her off, she gives me a short, but sweet kiss then leaves.

"Dance your heart out," I call after her. Just when I was about to switch gears my phone dings. I look down to see it was a text from Shawn in our group text.

Shawn: Sup, you guys want to hang out tonight?

Jack G: ya sure I'm up for it.

Cam: why not? Where we going?

Matt:I'm in!

Jack J: sure bro

Shawn: Dave and Busters?

Cam: Actually I saw this other place today, it's like Dave and Busters but it's usually not as crowded.

Jack G: What's it called?

Cam: Electric Speakers
(A/N: Any one remember? 😏)

Shawn: Sounds good, meet you guys there.

I shut off my phone and pull out of the dance studio. In the corner of my eye I saw a glowing sign that spelled Electric Speakers. Huh, well that was easy. After I parked, I step inside the teen hang out building.

"Well well well," a familiar voice says behind me, "look who's here."

Cadence's P.O.V

I stare at the objects in the box when I hear Mrs.Mendes calling me. I close up the box and carry it downstairs, making sure that I didn't look teary eyed. "Are you ready to leave?" She asks me. I nod and carry the 'Memory box' outside.

The car ride to the hospital was short and uneventful. Aaliyah and I talk a bit, mostly about how school is going and sports. When we arrive, I walk inside with the Mendes family, carry the S.M box. Mrs.Mendes tells the receptionist that we're here then we walk down to Dr.Kirby's office.

"Ah, hello Mendes and Surley," Dr.Kirby greets properly.

"Good evening," Shawn's mother greets. Dr.Kirby eyes up the box.

"So this is Shawn's memory box?" He asks as I set it down on his desk. Mr.Mendes nods. "Please take a seat."

I sit down in the chair across from his behind his desk. We start out with the Mendes family talking about progress. Mrs.Mendes explains how she was showing Shawn some old photo's of him as a child. But not much progress came out of that. After a bit of talking Dr.Kirby asks me how things were going and if I've noticed any progress.

I think for a bit. And a bit longer.
"Well, I'm tutoring Shawn in English, I guess he lost his skills in the reading and writing department," I explain. Dr.Kirby nods and jots that down.

"Anything else?" He asks.

"Um-" suddenly I hear the sound of guitar strums, my ringtone. I look at my phone screen. Matthew? "Uh, sorry," I say awkwardly and stand up. I answer my phone, "What's up, Matt?"

"Cadence?" He says, panting slightly.

"Matt?" I reply with confusion.

"Jack got in a fight with Cody, he has a serious nosebleed that's been bleeding for almost an hour!"

"Where are you guys?"

"We just arrived at the hospital," that sounded weird, as if two voices were saying it. I look out the doorway to catch a glimpse of Matt.

"Matthew!" I shout and run out of the room.

He turns around to face me, "He's down here!" We rush down the hallway and bear left. We reach Jack's room to see him with a black eye and his nose was cauterized. Cam and Jack Johnson were in the room. As well as Shawn...

When he see's me his eyes widen slightly. "You okay Jack?" I ask.

"Oh ya, except for the fact that I feel like shit," He says in one tired breathe.

I nod, and look out the door. I should get back to my meeting. I look back at Cam, Matt, Jack and Shawn. I could tell Shawn was purposely avoiding my gaze. Then I realized why, "So you had to go hang out with your friends?" I question him. Cam, Jack, Jack and Matt look at each other confused.

Shawn looks up at me with guilt written all over his face, "Carter and Jack..." That was all I needed to hear.

"You know, maybe following in Carter and Jacks footsteps isn't the best choice in life," I say crossing my arms.

Shawn furrows his eyebrows, "What do you have against them? What did they ever do to you?" Shawn questions with a rather harsh tone.

I frown. Shawn stares at me intently trying to get the answer out of me, but I stare back. "I wouldn't want to waste your precious time naming the events," I finally say, then walk out of the room, "get well soon Jack."

"Why does it matter, you don't want anything to do with me anyways!" I hear Shawn shout, "consider it as a favour!"

I walk back into Dr.Kirby's office, to see that he was gone, as well as the Mendes's. On his desk I see the S.M box. Attached to it was a neon orange sticky note.

Dear Cadence,
Sorry the meeting was cut short. I'd like you to take the S.M box back home with you. During school or when ever you can introduce Shawn to an item, but you just have to show him it, you don't even have to mention it if you want. Choose which item when ever and I'm sure you have more items at home that you can add to the box.

Good Luck,

What up people?

What'd ya think?

Sorry this took a while to update and for the shortness...

1. What do you think of S.M?

2. What kind of items do you think is in the S.M box?

3. Any idea's on what Cadence's first item is that she'll introduce to Shawn?

Till next time!

Vote goal: 20?

Words: 1243

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