27: True Colours

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  Tears soaked my cheeks. I sniffle into my pillow, trying to stop crying. My once amazingly done hair was now a wreck. Music played in my room, slow songs, songs by Sleeping At Last.  Shawn's song hit me deep, it was the thing that pushed me past my breaking point. Now it all seemed like he was the only one who noticed that I was broken because he didn't remember anything. Why did that stupid bus have to hit him. Why didn't I chase after him when he walked away, saying "Don't worry." I saw all the signs that something was wrong, I should of been a real friend and helped him!

It seemed like I couldn't cry anymore, as If I used up all my tears. I wipe my eyes, stand up and looked at myself in the mirror. Still in my dress, mascara stained my cheeks, my eyes were puffy, hair was a mess. I'm a mess... I tear my dress off and throw on a pair of black leggings and a T-shirt. I sit on my bed, looking down. I sniffle once again and look towards my open closet, something catching my eye. I walk over and take out a red Magcon sweater. Shawn's red Magcon sweater. I put it on and hug myself, the aroma of Shawn's cologne lingered from the sweater, it was still there but faint.

I hear my phone ring, startling me slightly. I pick up my phone to see the caller ID was Emily. I had a slight urge to decline it, but she was probably worried about me so I answer, "Hey."

"Cadence are you okay?" She asks worriedly.

"Yeah, I-I," enough lying Cadence! You're not fine, you're not okay! "I could be better."

"Shawn's song... That was about you wasn't it?" I don't answer, I didn't know how, so she continues, "Cadence I'm so sorry I've been a horrible friend to not support you."

"It's okay Em, you have been supporting me," I say, "can you do me a favor and tell everyone I'm fine so I don't get a million texts and phone calls."

"By everyone are you including Shawn?" She asks.

"No..." I answer.

"Alright, do you want to come over and eat ice cream and watch Netflix?"  She asks.

"I'm sorry but I'd rather be alone..." I answer honestly.

"Okay..." She says, "see you later I hope."

"Thanks Em," I say, "see you later."

I hang up and chuck my phone onto my bed and right when it lands it beeps. Are you kidding?

With curiosity I pick it back up and my heart stops.

Can we talk? Meet me at the school in the east hallway.

I stare at his text, deciding what to do.

Matt's P.O.V

Driving around town, the sun was disappearing and the street lights were turning on. I come to a stop sign when my phone rings, I answer it.

"Hello?" I say

"Hey Matt..." I hear Cadences voice, she has been crying.

"Are you okay?" I ask concerned.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you could give me a ride to the school," she asks.

"Yeah, um, sure I'll be there in two, I'm already in the neighborhood," I say.

"Thanks Matthew," she says then hangs up.

I put my phone into a cup holder and start driving to Cadences house. I pull up into the driveway and she walks out the door, her arms wrapped around her chest. I open the passenger seat door from inside and she climbs in. After she shuts the door, I ask her, "Why do you need to go to the school?"

"I left something there," she replies quietly.

We pull out of her driveway and drive to the school.

"Your performance was amazing today," I say, remembering the song.

"Thanks," she says putting on a small grin.

"I told you you were good at singing that song," I grin.

She looks at me, "What do you mean?"

My grin fades slightly, "When you were singing it in my car when I drove you home," I explain.

"O-Oh..." Was all she said, making my grin disappear. She wasn't singing to me...

I pull up in front of the school and Cadences gets out quickly. "I won't be long, you can stay here," she says and shuts the door.

I watch her walk into the school, slightly surprised the doors were unlocked.

Cadences P.O.V

Why would he want to meet in the school?

I walk through the dark hallways, making my way to the east hallway, where Shawn instructed me to go. I should of asked Matt to drop me off at the East entrance, not the West. Speaking of Matt, did he think I chose that song because of him? Great job Cadence you messed up again....

Walking down the halls, nervousness comes to me. I was already nervous to talk to Shawn but the school was kinda creepy when it was dark. I turn to the right and enter the east hall, where Shawn's locker was, but he wasn't.

I sigh and wait for a bit, when I hear footsteps. But it sounded like they belonged to more than one person. I look over to see three figures, the darkness hiding their faces.

"Hey Cadence," one of them say. Sheila?

"Looking for someone?" The next on says, Carter, followed by Jack E's laugh.

"What are you guys doing here?" I question, intensity filling my stomache.

"We're here for you," Sheila pulls out a phone, "didn't you get my text?" I soon realize it was Shawn's phone.

"Why?!" I ask, "why are you doing this-"

"You stole my boyfriend! We were so happy together until something happened between you two over the summer. It's your fault he got in the accident, it's your fault he doesn't remember me; doesn't remember you," she shouts, "now I made a few friends and thought we'd generously return the favor, to put you through as much pain as I went through when you stole the love of my life."

"Shawn chose me Sheila, a long time ago, I'm sorry but I think it's time you got over this!" I point out.

Carter and Jack start walking towards me, my heart pounding.

"Guys," I say quietly, holding my hands out in defense.

They walk under a glowing, red EXIT sign making their smirking faces glow a red hue, "Two hits, Cadence," Carter snickers, "me hitting you, you hitting the floor."

Suddenly I feel contact to my face making me fall to the floor.


That's the end of this chapter. And to clear it up the Jack here is Jack E, not Gilinsky or Johnson.


Also thank you guys so much for commenting on my last chapter. There will be a third book!

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