12: First Rehearsal

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Cadence's P.O.V

It was a late night. I couldn't sleep. Ever since Shawn and I made that promise, I've been searching for a good enough song to sing at the talent show. I look over at the time on my phone, 11:30 PM.

I sigh in frustration and hold my head in my hands. I didn't know what to do, I was bored, and not even tired. I stand up and walk over to my closet and grab the S.M box. Might as well decide what else I can do with these items...

I look through the box and pull out a few photos. Quite a few were of Shawn and Aaliyah, Shawn a a kid, Shawn with his parents and family, and Shawn with me. I smile at them. Placing the photo's back in the box, I pull out many pages of fan art that were once on the walls of his room. On the back of a few of the drawings were little letters to Shawn. I read one of them.

Dear Shawn,
I love your music so much! Thank you for being a part of my life! Even though I love you so so so much, I think you are very lucky to have a girl like Cadence!

Best wishes,

I look over at my phone, 12:13 PM. I can't do this anymore. I reach for my phone and open messages. Scrolling through my contacts I text Matt and Cam 'Hey.' After waiting around five minutes I get no reply. So I try to text Shawn, but my finger ended up slipping and pressing the call button. I gasp and was about to hang up when suddenly he answers.


I gulp, "Hey..."

"Cadence is that you?"


"How did you get my number?"

I freeze, "Uhhhhh, you gave to me when..."

Shawn chuckles, "It's fine Cadence."

I sigh in relief, "So may I ask why you're up so late?"

"I could ask you the same question," he laughs, "I'm writing a song."

My eyes widen, "Really?! Can I hear it?"

Shawn chuckles again, making me smile, "You'll have to wait till the show, what are you doing?"

"Thinking of a song to sing..." I reply, yawning afterward.


"No," I yawn.

"Liar," I can picture the smirk on his face. "I'll let you go to sleep," he says, yawning himself.

"I'll let you go to sleep," I smirk.

"Wipe that smirk off your face," he says, I quietly giggle.

"Goodnight Shawn," I whisper.

"Goodnight Cadence," he whispers back. I hang up on the phone with a smile on my face. I lay down on my bed and try to fall asleep.

"So as you can see, to find the volume of a rectangular prism you need to..." there's a small pause, "Shawn."

Everyone looks toward Shawn, "Multiply the width, height and length," Shawn answers instantly.

"Very good Shawn," Mr.Ozman praises. I look over at Shawn as he grins. The bell rings and we all stand up.

"Ahem, students, before you leave the class room I want to hand back your tests, so come get them before you leave," Mr.Ozman instructs. Everyone lines up and grab their tests from him. As soon as I grab my test I walk out of the room and look at my grade. 48/50.

Promises (Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now