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"Hey guys, It's Cadence Surely here... So today- actually before I begin I just wanna point out that this is the fifteenth time I tried to record this, and that there is no script involved and...ya."

"So in this quick video, I have some bad news..."

"I have come to the conclusion that I am going to stop making youtube videos and vines."

"I don't know how long of a period of time I will be gone, I just know for a fact it won't be back any time soon."

"I know that plenty of you are going to be confused to why I'm stopping, a-and I can assure you will find out soon.... i-it's just...."


"Certain, unexpected events have taken place in my life lately that has affected me deeply. Because of these events I'm finding myself incapable to make and post videos..."

"I'm sorry that I let you all down, I let myself down but... I-I don't know any other way on how to solve this..."

"I'm so so sorry for the inconvenience but... I need time off to rethink my life a little."


"I guess this is so long..."

"I love all of you so much. Till next time, I'll see you all..."




"Don't be its my fault..."

"No it's not Shawn..."

"Ms.Cadence! Just because you are a huge star doesn't mean that you don't have to pay attention in class," My teacher stares coldly at me, I look up at her, holding her harsh gaze.

"Sorry..." I mutter, looking back at the board. I hear Jack and Carter snicker. Jack and Carter... I miss the other ones... Letting out a sigh I try paying attention to Mrs.test, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get my mind off the guys. One guy in particular... Shawn...

It's been five days since I came home. Five days since I last seen the guys. Five days since I left Shawn.

"Ms.Surley!" Mrs.Test snaps. I look up at her, once again all eyes were on me.

"Yes," I say with a blank expression on my face.

"Can you please repeat my question?" She rolls her eyes. I stay silent, Carter, Jack and Sharleen watch me, smirks plastered on their faces.

Thankfully the bell rings, saved by the bell much! I close my books as well as everyone else. Just when I was about to leave the room, Mrs.Test stops me. "Your not leaving with out giving me an explanation on why your not participating in class."

"It's not really my class I guess, so?" I say tiredly.

"This is English! You were my best student, and now your practically failing my class!" She exclaims.

"Listen I'd like to stay but now I need to go home," I say in a rushed voice. Holding my books closely to my chest I rushed out of the room.

"That was a great performance," Carter smirks as I walk by him and Jack, "next time try keeping your mind off of Shawn, I'm a hundred percent sure you're not on his!"

"Thanks Carter, thanks a lot," I mutter while I keep walking, my pace quickening. When I make it back to my locker, I'm instantly greeted by Cody.

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