22: Thoughts

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Like to dedicate this chapter to all of y'all who leave sweet comments on my chapters they just brighten my day :)

Cadence's P.O.V

"Cadence!" I hear some one call my name. I turn around to see Matthew. I sigh, not sure wether or not to keep walking. I wanted to be alone...

Matt runs up to me and matches my pace.

"Listen Matt-" I was about to speak when he cuts me off.

"I'm sorry," he says, "I didn't realize what I was doing at the time."

I frown and watch my feet as we walk along the shore line, the sand between my feet calmed me slightly. "How can you not know when you're being flirted with? It's pretty much impossible," I ask calmly. I look up at him as he ponders for a bit, knowing that I was right.

I look up at the sky, grey clouds circled above our heads.

"I gotta go Matt," I say walking up towards the road, "sorry."

"It's fine," he says, "let me give you a ride." I sigh, looking up at the sky again, not wanting to get caught in a storm. We walk up to his red car and I hop into the passenger seat. I look out the window as soft rain starts to hit my window. Matt turns on the radio and photograph my Ed Sheeran comes on. I reach over and turn up the music, as Matt watches. I start to sing along quietly to the chorus as I look out the window. I heard the background music turn down and I stopped singing, looking at Matt.

"I love your singing," he says with a grin. I bite my lip and look down at my lap. "We never got to go out last weekend."

I dreaded this question, I didn't want to talk about this topic. Suddenly a question pops into my mind, does he know about Shawn and I? Does he know we went out?

I realized we were parked right outside of my house. I wanted to just get out by I knew that would be rude, I have to say something...

I take a deep breathe. "Look Matt," I look over at him in the eyes, "I cared about you, but after what happened..." I pause and Matt buds in.

"I'm sorry Cadence..." He apologizes once again. I get one last glance at Matt before I jump out of his car and walk up to my house. "Good night!" I hear him call after me before I enter my house. I sigh and walk up to my room.


"Okay people!" I hear Grace shout, "this is our very first rehearsal for the talent show, first up we have the dance number!"

I sit in the back of the gymnasium, guitar in hand. Can I do this? I wonder to myself. I pull my legs up to my chest as I watch the Lyrical dance number, which Emily was in.

"You rehearse today?" I look up to see Shawn with his guitar.

"Ya, do you?" I ask him. He shakes his head and sits beside me.

We sit there in silence, watching the performances. I look over at Shawn, as he observes a small magic performance by Aaron. I looked at his eyes, I couldn't tell what emotions he was feeling, I couldn't tell what he was thinking, I wish I could.

I look down at his arms, then his wrists. My eyes widen when I see the bracelet. A flashback hits me. I was thirteen, Shawn was fourteen. Our families went to the yearly amusement park together, Shawn and I spent the whole day together.

"What do you want to do now?" I ask Shawn as we walk through the amusement park, the lights of the rides and booths illuminated Shawn's eyes and face.

"Look at the booth over there," he points at one that said, Jewelry With A Meaning.

We walk inside the booth and I observe the array of jewels, gems, necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings.

"How may I help you two?" A lady asks.

"Do you have, like, friendship bracelets?" Shawn asks. She nods and guides us to a section in the tent.

"We have chains, braided, leather, string, everything," she says, "you can also get custom metal charms that say what ever you want."

"Here's a leather one, we should get our names on them!" I suggest.

It only took five minutes until we got our bracelets. Shawn helps me put mine on. "I never noticed there was a heart on them," I say awkwardly, blushing.

"I requested that..." He smiles shyly.

I beam and we walk out of the booth, thanking the lady and paying.

"Hey so, have you've ever left Canada before?" He asks out of the bloom, breaking my thoughts.

"Ya? Why?" I ask.

"Where have you been?"

"Chicago," I answer, then regret afterwards.

When I hear his next question I freak on the inside.

"When I was in the hospital, a girl ran up to me, calling my name," he said-looking at me, "was that you?"

"I-I think you got the wrong girl," I say.

"The girl got the wrong Shawn as well," he says looking down at his bracelet.

I decide to change the subject, sorta, "Why were you in the hospital?" I ask as if I didn't know. I want to know if he remembered, or if he even knew.

He sighs, "Well, from what I was told I was hit by a bus," I cringe at the memory of those days. "Th-the worst part is that I didn't remember my family or friends," he bites his lip, "it kills me to think that I might of really hurt someone because I don't remember them..." I see his eyes watering up, mine were probably too. This was a touchy subject for both of us. Shawn sniffles and wipes his tears away, "Sorry," he says.

"It's okay," I say and pull him into a hug. I knew he needed this hug, and I did too.

Emily's P.O.V

I walk off the stage and I'm instantly greeted by Jack G.

"Hey," he says calmly. I sigh and walk over with my bag in my hand.

"Hi," I say quietly.

"Remember when we went out for Italian food and went laser tag?" He asks.

"Ya, our anniversary," I state.

He grins and takes out a small jewelry capsule, "I forgot to give you this..." He opens it and reveals a necklace that had a heart shaped charm, on it was our initials.

"It's not much, but it means a lot," he hold out another one and opens it to reveal a picture of us kissing, I open mine and it has the same picture. I smile and pull him into a hug. "Sorry about my behavior..."

"It's fine," I beam. He kisses me on the cheek and we both pull away.

"Did you get a letter in the mail?" He asks.

My eyes widen, "Yes, did you?!"

He nods and I hug him again, even tighter.

"We have to tell Cadence," I say.

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