30: Cadences Letter

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Cadences P.O.V

I was so happy to get back home. Walking into the door my mom gives my a large hug. As happy as I was to see her, the mood changed when she critiqued me with loads of questions.

"Why did you go to the school last night?" She asked.

'Shawn' asked if we could talk.

"I forgot my homework."

"Do you know who did this to you?"


"No," I'd lie, and she wasn't the first one I lied to about it. I didn't want anyone to know.

Going back to school the next day with a bandage on my forehead was awkward. I was asked so many questions and my story seemed to change everytime, from falling down stairs to walking into a door. But one person knew what really happened but that's because he was there, Shawn.

I would of told him to keep it a secret but it felt awkward talking to him now that Matt and I were dating. But now I wished I did.

I walked down the hall, passing the principles office.

"Cadence," I hear my name called by Mr.Brown, the schools principle, "in my office please."

I hesitantly walk into his office, "I'm going to be late for class," I say awkwardly.

"Mrs.Test knows you're here," he says, "a little bird told me that you were beaten in the school last night."

My eyes widen, I wanted to lie, but I couldn't. I couldn't lie my way out of this one.

"It's alright if you tell me, as principle I need to know these things, you don't need to tell me who did it but I want to know if it's true," he says since I didn't speak.

"Yeah..." I say quietly, "it's true..."

He nods his head slowly, "Alright thank you, you're dismissed, I'm sorry about what happened," he speaks. I awkwardly leave the room and walk to class, the halls empty and quiet.


After English, I have to pass by the office again and I see something that catches my eye. Looking into the crack of the open door I see Jack E, Carter S and Sheila inside, glaring at me as I passed by. Our stare was stopped when some one shut the door. Breaking out of my trance, I bump into Shawn. I look up at him, remembering the Shawn I once knew. Remembering him defending me. Remembering his wounds, which were still partially visible. I furrow my eyebrows. He was the little bird.

"How could you do this!" I yell whisper, "why would you tell!"

"Because I had too, it's the right thing to do!" He replies whispering.

"No you didn't, you could of kept quiet and pretended it didn't happen, like me," I snap.

"But it did happen," he points out, "and I was just trying to help you." I glare into his eyes, he steadily holds my gaze. "They hurt you Cadence, you can't just let them off the hook," he says, "you matter-"

"Does my mom know?" I ask, interrupting him.

"I don't know," he answers calmly.

I look down at the ground then push by him.

When I got home I learned the answer was yes, my mom did know.

"They should be sued!" She shouts, "or at least suspended."

"They got suspended," I say quietly as she continues to rant.

"This is serious, we're taking this to court," she overreacts.

"No we're not!" I shout, "I don't want to make a huge deal out of this."

"This is a huge deal already," she spats, "imagine what your father would say."

I frown and look at the ground, "I wouldn't know, he's gone." My mom looks at me with sadness in her eyes.

"Sweetie," she says softly in her nurturing mother voice, but I run to my room before she could pull me into a hug.

Cameron's P.O.V

Another secret...

I'm tired of keeping secrets.

After I heard about what happened to Cadence I've not been feeling like myself. Every since we met I knew I cared about her, that I wanted to keep her safe. Now that I know that Shawn remembers her...

Why wouldn't he want to tell her, to win her back, if I were in his shows I'd tell her in a heartbeat that I remember her and love her...

I guess Shawn has his reasons, like why Cadence didn't tell Shawn about her. It would prevent a lot of drama though.

I groan just thinking about how this will affect everyone for the next few weeks, how will everyone else react?

I guess no matter what happens I'll be by her side supporting her...

Cadences P.O.V

I was skipping school today, I told my mom my head hurt and I felt nauseous. Wouldn't be surprised if she called the doctor. I really appreciate that she cares but I just want some space right now.

Some space to be alone to think. Matt even asked if we could skip together, thankfully he understood why I wanted to be alone.

I walk down stairs to grab something to eat for breakfast. In the kitchen there is a bowl of fruit with a sticky note on it. Grabbing an apple, and the note, I read it.

Please get the mail
Xoxo Mom

It said in her fancy handwriting. I walk outside to our mailbox, inside was a few envelopes and the weekly news paper. Wonder if I'm in it... I thought.

Bringing the mail back inside, I quickly scan through the paper. Nothing about me so that's good news.

Next, I look at the envelopes, which one had my name. I neatly tear it open when a ticket falls out, along with a letter.

Dear Cadence Surley,
You've been asked to join and perform at Magcon L.A.

My eyes widen as I keep reading the letter.

Magcon is back!

That's the end of the second book!

The third one will be out soon!!! So look for it, it's called Aftertaste!

Thank you guys so much for ready, voting and commenting. I'm so so it took a while for me to finish up chapters there's just been a lot going on lately in my life

You guys are all amazing and I love y'all! Please vote, comment and follow. I'll post a message on my message board when the first part of Aftertaste is out as well on here.

Thank you all so much for everything!

Till next time ;)

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